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IKEA News of the world

IKEA in Lithuania 2013?

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In 2013 year in Vilnius, the first IKEA store in the Baltic countries will be opened. Investments in the largest complex in the Baltic furniture trade can make 47 million euros. This writes the Lithuanian newspaper Verslo? Inios.

According to the publication, the store plans to open an Icelandic company Felit, which will operate on the basis of the franchise. It is assumed that the area of ​​the store will be approximately 30 000 square meters, with parking lots and restaurant Swedish cuisine.

Presumably, the shopping mall will be built on a site near Vilnius International Airport. On an area of ​​14 hectares investor assumes to build several more commercial facilities. The total investment will amount to 60 million euros.

Lithuanian Minister of Economy Rimantas Zhilyus neither confirmed nor denied the information about the appearance in the Lithuanian market of IKEA. At the same time, the Lithuanian authorities for three years trying to attract companies to the local market.


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