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Ageless practicality or a table with three legs from IKEA

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A new look at the table LevetEverything new is very well forgotten old. It is this principle that guides the Swedish titanium of the furniture business, bringing back a functional three-legged table model to the market. This piece of furniture has more than half a century of history. It is he who can rightfully be considered a revolutionary who revolutionized the furniture market. Back in 1956, the table bore a modest speaking name LevetWhich means "leaf" in a literal translation from Swedish.

After all, this form of tabletop designers have given developers the company. They also drew attention to the fact that the design of the table is too cumbersome to transport. The solution was found immediately. Designer Gillis Lundgren company offered to do to unscrew the legs, and that was the impetus for the development of a thorough history of the compact packaging and self-assembly furniture. IKEA successfully continues to adhere to and implement these two points in practice.

Today, three-legged handsome man with a new name LEVBAKKEN triumphant return to the page Catalog IKEA. Tentative start selling model in Russia is scheduled for August.

Three-legged table Levet

Design table is designed in the style of 60-ies. Something like that was very popular in the USSR. Small coffee tables complete with twist-off legs becomes an indispensable party to most Soviet films.

Levet turns into LEVBAKKEN

The main components of the table are made of natural material. For countertops poplar veneer was used, and for the graceful legs - beech. Table height in cm 51 can comfortably accommodate him sitting on a chair or couch. In the table width is 39 cm, and the length of 77 see. It looks quite roomy, despite its modest size.

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