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IKEA News of the world

Christmas miracle from IKEA

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Merry ChristmasIKEA has decided to launch Christmas digital-project under the meaningful title "No to empty chairs" from the English. "No empty chairs". The project is aimed at ensuring that no one is alone at Christmas. This is an annual promotion from IKEA; the company does not disregard its customers and lovers of Swedish furniture during the Christmas and New Year holidays, preparing small but very pleasant surprises for them.
This will contribute to a special promotional websiteWhich will offer the opportunity to anyone who wishes to visit or, conversely, to receive guests at home. Web site design is a frozen glass, his background depict figures who are concerned about the decision problem of loneliness in the Christmas party.
Christmas with IKEA
Christmas campaign
And in the background can be seen by other people who are happy that celebrate Christmas together. But a lone man could join them.
IKEA Christmas
No empty chairs
No empty chairs
To participate, you need only register on the site under the name IKEA No empty chairsPromo the company is directed to no one celebrated Christmas alone and was able to share the joy of the festive dinner, even with strangers.

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