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IKEA News of the world

Charity in aid to refugees

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Help refugeesIt is not the first time the company IKEA holds charity event. At this time, it is titled "To live as refugees became lighter". All visitors to the shops and shopping centers IKEA can take part in it. Everyone who has bought at least one light bulb in a series of products LEDARE during the period from February 3 29 March of this year shops Swedish furniture manufacturer, will be able to list by IKEA UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 45 rubles, which is the equivalent of EUR 1. The collected funds will be allocated for the organization of the lighting of existing refugee camps in Sudan, Ethiopia, Chad, Jordan, Bangladesh.

Every year, millions of families with children are forced to leave their homes due to wars, paramilitary conflicts and natural disasters. UNHCR organizes specialized camps that are safe temporary shelter. Today, worldwide there are more than ten and a half million refugees. More than 45%, which is about 5 million refugees, - these are children under the age of 18. One of the main problems of the people who live in the camps is the lack or absence of artificial lighting. It affects destructively in many areas of life: from the banal to the security access to education and work.

Map location of refugee camps

IKEA and UNHCR are partners with 2010 years, they support social projects in the area of ​​housing, health care and education aimed at families with children living in refugee camps. Is This cooperation aimed at the implementation of projects aimed at innovation, allowing light temporary housing and generally make it more habitable.

Kadnar Walter, director of retail chain IKEA in the Russian Federation, highlights the fact that every year millions families lose almost everything they have, including the home and family, for various reasons. Refugee camps for the victims become the new home for a long time. IKEA wants to join assistance refugees in their difficult lives, to give them hope for a brighter future and security. During the period of 3-year partnership with IKEA UNHCR 73 million euros allocated to projects aimed at improving the living conditions of refugees. The campaign, entitled "To live as refugees became lighter" is the next step towards a more friendly and comfortable environment for all inhabitants of our planet.

Help Children

In order to support the charity event with 1 on March 16 2014 year in all IKEA stores will be held entertainment and educational measures on environmental issues. Activities are available for club members IKEA FAMILY and their children. In a playful way the kids will gain knowledge on the subject of environment and security, along with their parents learn how to create a safe and beautiful lighting using LED bulbs in a series LEDARE. For detailed information, schedule of events, as well as entry to the master classes can be found at Online IKEA FAMILY.

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