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PS 2014: from IKEA with love ...

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Collection SS 2014Time is not just running. It moves at a breakneck pace enormously. And we just have to be always in the trend and keep up. And it's not just us. All around us should contribute to the ease of making changes and the ability to join the rapid rhythm of city life.

Nowadays, the trend is that the vast majority prefer to live let in noisy, polluted, crowded, but cities. Dynamics, constant changes radically changed style preferences humans. In our homes we seek to maximize comfort and comfort.

Urban Collection

IKEA has once again take care of the townspeople-urbanist. The recently announced the release new collection IKEA PS 2014. In Russia, sales are beginning June 2014 years.

Launch of the new line was held under the slogan "Always on the move!"Which clearly outlined its design direction. Objects from it easily will join the rapid urban rhythm and released living space.

PS 2014 - Urban Collection

To develop custom solutions was selected group of 14-five young creative designers from different countries who have worked in a team of masters IKEA. The new project employed about 200 people.

The collection was particularly functional and dynamic. It was realized thanks largely to the young part of the creative team that brought freshness and novelty design ideas. PS 2014 different quality of workmanship and reasonable prices.

Modular furniture

Project Manager IKEA PS Peter Klinkertom it was noted that in the collection are no sofas, beds, wardrobes and presented in a non-standard version. Серия filled with multi-functional things that can be seen in commercials, timed to coincide with the release of the collection. In it you will see a hanger, stylized tree, a miniature home "house-greenhouse", benches, shelves. Especially against the background stands the drop-down lamp shade. Just one traffic light and spreads already quite differently.

Meet the collection in stores in your city and stand up to any life changes.

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