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IKEA News of the world

IKEA: plans for the construction near Madrid

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IKEA in SpainEurope's largest IKEA store will be built under the Madrid, in Alcorcon. Note that not so long ago, the project of the planned development of a gambling complex called Eurovegas in this municipal center of the autonomy of the city of Madrid failed. After the completion of construction, it was planned that in Alcorcon there will be tens of thousands of new jobs, and will cash flow. And suddenly there was information that the authorities have decided to use a designated set of land for smaller, but at the same time, profitable program.


According to "Evromag" symbolic inception of the foundation stone of the new IKEA store in Spain last Friday happened with the participation of heads of government of autonomy - Ignacio Gonzalez and the mayor of the village Alcorcon - David Perez.

David Perez

It is predicted that by the beginning of the year 2015 on this site, which has been set aside for construction of the IKEA storeTo be completed all work on land tenure, eyeliner electric and telephone cables, laying roads and water supply device. Then the next phase, which includes construction of the building itself and the construction of the parking lot.

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