Some stores IKEA began selling "test" insurance. Experimental sale will be scheduled only in Sweden, however, the further implementation in other countries is not excluded. At first, IKEA will offer insurance Pregnancy and Childbirth.
Insurance will take place directly in IKEA stores. The main insurance product at the moment - Insurance maternity, but we already know that in the near future the population will be invited to home insuranceAlthough this decision has not been confirmed officially IKEA.
The target audience of the insurance project IKEA - club members loyal customers. Note that in Sweden them - 2,5 million. If we talk about the number of members around the world, then there are about 59 million.
IKEA sale of insurance products under the control of a group of companies Ikano, vozglavlyamoy sons 88-year-old founder of the Business I. Kamprad. In the field of insurance company IKEA uses its powerful customer networkRelated to the furniture business.
Today owns retail chain IKEA stores in 305 26 countries. By 2020 year Swedish manufacturer plans to increase sales of its products to the level 50 billion euros.
Tamara B.