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The new service - to compare prices in different countries

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Service compared the prices of goods IKEA razlinchyh countriesDear visitors, our team is now pleased to present you our new service - Compare prices of IKEA goods in different countries. We are all united affection for IKEA products and services that will help all of us get from shopping is not only fun, but also in certain circumstances save money.

IKEA is an international company with a huge number of stores in different countries. And, due to various reasons, prices for the same goods may differ in different countries, sometimes very significantly. This service will help you to find out the prices for the goods you are interested in in different countries. Let's say you live in St. Petersburg and plan a car trip to Lithuania for the weekend. In addition to walking through the streets of Vilnius, you have planned a shopping trip and perhaps buying something interesting in the new IKEA store in Vilnius. You can pre-determine the list of purchases and compare prices for selected goods in the St. Petersburg shops IKEA and in the IKEA store in Vilnius, and our service will be your indispensable assistant.

We appreciate our service testing and reviews about it in the comments to this news in our group in the social network VKontakte.

  • +1

    Tamara B.

    12.11.2014 01:32 | #
    Reply | Reply with quote | quote
    I think a great service not only helps directly to customers has always guided in their spending and plan for them, but also to the families who live in different countries to co-ordinate smiling for what is a major purchase!

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