implementation project for the construction of the MEGA shopping center, according to the IKEA Centres RussiaNot be effected. It was planned that the building will be erected on site, which is located between the highway - Zvenigorod and Khoroshevskoye. The owners of these territories - holding "Relight" and the company "Glavstroy-development". Earlier in the press I mentioned that this site will be the shopping center "Green Mall" and IKEA are also trying to reach a consensus and to purchase this land. As a result of the agreement the company did not come. Manual IKEA justify this excessive investment for the project.
Currently, IKEA has to look for new suitable site near the Ring Road, the company intends to invest in the project over 50 billion Russian rubles, which, in addition to building stores, will also purposefully go to the adjacent social and transport infrastructure.
According to information published recently in the media, the leadership of the Swedish furniture manufacturer is eyeing to sites in the Eastern District and Kuntsevo. There have been attempts to purchase already built facilities such as a "fleet" at Khodynka and shopping center "Viasna" in Altufyevo, but, unfortunately, the agreement could not be reached.