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News IKEA in Russia

IKEA leaves Karelian forest

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Karelian forest and IKEAIn addition to numerous outletsDispersed throughout the world, the company IKEA with 1991 years is the owner of an industrial group Swedwood ("Swedwood"). It, in turn, unites several enterprises, which are entrusted with the functions of logging and sawmilling, the production of furniture components and the subsequent production of wooden furniture. The management of the IKEA company decided to close one of the production facilities of the holding. Such an unenviable fate befell LLCSwedwood Karelia"Which is geographically located in Kostomuksha. However, IKEA plans to keep the producing plant and move it to a nearby Leningrad region, where other industrial division of concern LLC "Swedwood Tikhvin".

There are a number of costs that are eliminated is not possible - the main reason why production in Karelia had to turn. That is the wording provided management company. Within two months, held a work stoppage planned LLC "Swedwood Karelia."

Environmental issues

In addition to solving problems in the organization of production, liquidation of an enterprise entails the loss of jobs for almost half a hundred people. All of them will be given an impressive compensation. Many will be able to get the job in the Leningrad region Tikhvin plant.

Vision Expert

According to experts, the reason for the end of the operation of the plant is much deeper than the costs of transportation. The result, which we have seen, has its historyWhich began in the spring of 2012 years. Then the "green" concern the prosecution put forward - cutting of intact Karelian taiga. And until then continued invisible struggle ecologists and "furniture monster" until after the recent audit has not been established that "Swedwood Karelia" not properly fulfill the requirements of forest management. Result - freezing of the certificate issued by the Forest Stewardship Council.


In Karelia current state of affairs is such that 40% of the forest area industrial activities banned, and it is not subject to the lease. That territory, which have tenants already severely depleted. In view of this the Swedes can no longer go to an acceptable level for them profitability.

New development plans

IKEA is not going to stop! Already decided to organize tailor-made large furniture Novgorod region in addition to the already existing there shopping center company.

The opening of new stores

While this project is at the stage of planning and development, because no details at the moment are not reported.

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