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News IKEA in Russia

IKEA has included a restrictive regime

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Line at IKEAThe situation in Russia is heating up. On occurring cardinal economic changes respond everything ordinary people to large corporations.

That's the main page IKEA official site meets all Russian visitors with important information about what to them is declared the suspension of the implementation of kitchen furnitureAnd home appliances. The very same management company was forced to make such a measure because of the huge influx wishing to purchase products. And, as a result, no personnel IKEA physically capable of handling the barrage of applications that already had in stock after the announcement of the price increase product.

Excitement at IKEA

According to the company, this temporary solution, and sales are scheduled to resume since 20 December. We also remind fans and fans of IKEA, the prices on the site are products rediscounting policy and is not all updated. In this regard, they may vary from store of value. However, IKEA does not retreat from one of its principles of operation, and will continue to follow the policy of democratic prices in each of the categories of products present.

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