According to the press service of the company IKEA in Omsk opened online shop Swedish manufacturer, temporarily operating in test mode. During this period, all services of the store will be worked out step by step. It is planned to bring the order acceptance service to the efficiency of execution, not to mention the timely and guaranteed delivery of goods to end consumers.
It would seem, why Omsk was chosen as the center of the launch of this "pilot", as it has already referred to in the business environment, the project? But the answer is simple and obvious: Omsk is one of the few cities in Russia, in which the supply chain operates almost flawlessly respectively here will make it easier to adjust the delivery of goods "to the door" on time.
Omsk online store currently offers the following products and services:
- A full range of IKEA stores in Russia;
- Cash (later - by credit card through the site);
- delivery within one to three days, costing up to 500 rubles. calculating the parameters of the product.
Launching of the project have already been implemented in a test mode for the six-month period, and then it will be a good example for the provision of similar services in other cities, where there are shops of the Swedish company. But this is in the long run.
Development of IKEA in Russia
Recall that the company IKEA in Russia presented 14 11 furniture stores in cities across the country who work as part of shopping centers in called "MEGA". The last of these was opened in 2011 year and the next can be opened only in 2015 year.
If all goes according to plan and the project will take larger sizes, it will be a unique opportunity to increase the IKEA sale temporary difficulties in the development of IKEA Russia.
Delivery "to the door"
Russian regions already have a large market for travel and shipping goods from IKEA. For example, a search engine phrase "IKEA delivery" you can find a site that offers to deliver goods of Yekaterinburg Perm value of up to 7,3 17,9% of the total value of the order, and at the Perm "to the door" - until 500 rubles. Given this information, we can say with confidence that the launch of an online store is an opportunity to make the market transparent and in the future to make a delivery. However, it is important that the conditions offered by IKEA were not worse than those that offer existing organizations.
Plans for the future
According to analysts' estimates, in 2012 year's online sales were $ 12 billion of the nearly $ 700 billion total retail turnover in Russia. It is expected that this share will grow, although at the moment leading online retailers in the furniture industvii in Russia. The development of this area is complicated by the fact that most consumers tend to want to personally inspect the goods. But in the case of IKEA, this psychological barrier has no place to be, because all furniture team and select it using the detailed catalog, which is one of the most important tools of Internet sales, a kind of driver Swedish furniture manufacturer.