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News IKEA in Russia

Recycling in the shopping center "Khimki"

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Collection point for recyclingIn the shopping center "Mega Khimki"Innovation appeared: opened a collection point for recycling. Prior to that, next to the store for a month and a half has time collection point for recycling, but it was decided to establish a permanent, as stock I enjoyed a fairly high demand. Place recycling points - parking shopping center mall, "Khimki".

Point for works on a certain schedule: Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 16 20 hours before with a small break in the 15 18 minutes to hours to 18: 15. K recycling taking paper, glass, plastic, metal, Tetra Pak and PET-bottles. In addition to time constraints there are also certain rules of admission for recycling. Tara It must be clean of food residue and should be rinsed. If this is the packaging made of tinplate or aluminum, before handing it must be compressed to hand. Waste paper is taken in conjunction bales. Broken or cracked glass should always be disposed separately from the whole package. It is possible to receive and dangerous waste: Batteries and lamps. But they need to be kept in the loading area in the IKEA store in a special container.

Collecting points Khimki

Selective containers - are closed platforms with holes for a particular type of waste. It can also be special containers with lids, which are signed kinds of garbage and holes. IKEA has summed up the results of 8 months of last year and it is estimated that visitors have handed 2,5 tons of batteries, which is about 80 thousand. Pieces, as well as more 4 thousand. Energy-efficient mercury lamps. According to the website of IKEA 45 days of work reception center for recycling its visitors were about 400 people who have put in recycling bags 440 240 liters of waste.

Garbage collection in Zelenograd

It should be noted that this project is part of a program for separate waste collection, which is held in Zelenograd.

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