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News IKEA in Russia

Coming soon IKEA Ufa

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logo. 25 2011 June, the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov handed the general director of IKEA in Russia Peru Vendshlagu permit commissioning of a family shopping center MEGA Ufa.

Inauguration of a key tenant for MEGA - IKEA - scheduled for August 25. All remaining stores will be opened as soon as available, and before the end of the year MEGA Ufa will work in full.
- How long and hard we are working to put into operation a family shopping center MEGA Ufa. And it seems that our efforts are not in vain. We are close to the goal, - he said at the meeting the head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov. - Our government and I personally will always help business, which is present on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. For us it is essential to create an atmosphere of honest, open work.
- Prior to the opening of IKEA in Ufa remained a matter of weeks - and it certainly is a great joy for us, - says Per Vendshlag, CEO of IKEA in Russia. - We appreciate the support of our project by the leadership of the Republic and hope to see the President Rustem Khamitov among the guests of honor at the opening of IKEA 25 of August. IKEA's mission - to improve on the daily lives of many people. I am confident that with the advent of the IKEA store in the capital of Bashkiria, thousands of people will be able to feel these positive changes in every home.

According to IKEA.

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