IKEA has agreed with the Moscow mayor's office about the construction of three hypermarkets. Less than 15 years as the Swedish furniture manufacturer was able to "break" in Moscow. At the moment, the construction of three agreed hypermarkets infrastructure total cost of 50 billion rubles. The cooperation agreement was signed between the Government of Moscow and the Russian "daughter" IKEA - "IKEA Mos". The news was confirmed by representatives of the company and the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, which deals with property and land relations and economic policy, - Natalia Sergunina.
According to the agreement, it is expected that the company IKEA will open in the Russian capital for at least three hypermarkets, as well as take a direct part in investing the construction of social and road infrastructure for them. Estimated volume of investments planned by the Swedes to 2020 years 2,3 make a billion US dollars, equivalent to the same 130 billion Russian rubles.
For each facility, a separate decision will be taken, and the format is determined by the site chosen. Size shopping centersIt may be different from the usual, since the area of the existing hypermarket is from 20 32 to sq. M. meters. Recall that the smallest size IKEA tested 2015 in the city of Norwich (UK). These were the shops, a studio with a total area of 1770 square. meters, in 10 times smaller than the standard supermarket. These shopping centers were opened in Tromsø (Norway) and Pamplona (Spain).
According to Chairman of the Board of Directors IKEA Centres Russia, - Alfred Tsopfa - Moscow It represents one of the most promising areas for business development. And more than once, and more than one year IKEA strives to come to Moscow. Once in 2000 opened the first store in Khimki, the company reported on plans to build a shopping center on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, but the project was never implemented. The plans did not come true because of the astronomical sums, exposed the city, as it recalls the first director general of IKEA in Russia - Lennart Dahlgren.
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Sergunina has already given instructions to work out a theme relating to the status of the land, which will be selected by IKEA. The selected area should not interfere with the plan of urban development or to be a threat to cultural heritage. IKEA has already addressed some of the plots:
- area (12 hectares), located at the intersection of Zvenigorod highway and the Moscow Ring Road and is owned by the company "Don Story Invest";
- playground (20 ha), which is already more than a year trying to turn into a shopping center of "Relight Invest."
According to calculations Director Olga assessment Kochetova Knight Frank, the cost of land within Ring Road Starting from $ 1,5 1 million in hectares, and the construction of the shopping center will cost from $ 1,2 1,5 thousand before. 1 per sq. meter.