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News IKEA in Russia

"Surprise" in the storage room

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In the hypermarket IKEA found machineThanks to the excellent technical equipment of security officers shopping center could easily identify the perpetrators, alleged owners of weapons abandoned in storage room... Three men entered the store at a time when the bulk of customers had already started to decline. And when they appeared at the entrance to the store, they did not hide their faces. One of the alleged intruders had a backpack on his back and a hood on his head. Behind him was a second man with a large gym bag in his hand. A little further away, their partner moved, not particularly approaching his friends.

Entering the store, the men immediately headed towards the storage room. At the cells, young people are left alone: ​​there are no staff or other visitors nearby. When the men approached the lockers, an employee of the store came out to meet them, who did not pay special attention to the regular visitors and walked by. According to employees hypermarketMen paid cell in a special apparatus, something put into it, and left the store. It seems that one of the men in control, as has always been some distance, was "on the alert". Then the young people went quietly in the cafe of the hypermarket.

Shooting intruders on camera

On the night of January 28 cells hypermarket "IKEA-Khimki"Who bought the unknown, was discovered a loaded Kalashnikov assault rifle, as well as a bundle of bullets caliber 5,45 111 mm in pieces.

Kalashnikov rifle

Press Service of the Ministry of Interior in Moscow region immediately responded by stating that the discovery of this "surprise" employees the police carry out inspections and try to establish gun owners by sending ammunition special expertise. Moreover, the serial number of the weapon has not been damaged, it will quickly find out where it was released automatic.

Note that at the moment there is information about the disclosure of a murder committed with the above weapons. Interfax reports that workers with gunshot wounds were found in construction cabins on Syezhinsky Lane in Moscow. After inflicting mortal wounds, the attackers set fire to the cabins. One of the hired workers confirmed to the special services that murder and arson were committed by his fellow accomplice. At the moment, the police conduct search activities and identifies possible motives for the crime.

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