She joined the company IKEA with the Soviet Union, and from the middle of 1970-ies. While almost 30 enterprises of the USSR carried out the supply of products from IKEA. The Soviet Union worked with IKEA on barter conditions.
90 years, began with the opening of IKEA purchasing office in St. Petersburg, where he could work together with suppliers from Russia. Within seven years of furniture magnate began construction of a hypermarket in one of the areas of the Leningrad highway. The construction and equipping of the hypermarket $ 40 million. Investments and opened it exactly 3 years were spent in Khimki (in 2000 year).
Another direction of IKEA is the construction of large shopping malls under the name "Mega". At the end of the year 2002 was launched one of the first Moscow Megamall. The building is almost 300 stores that sell goods and provide services. However, the complex is not only a huge shopping center that makes a profit from the sales, and also provides the opportunity to rent retail space.
In August 2009, the Swedish manufacturer was the owner of 12 12 stores and shopping centers "Mega". In the Moscow region there are three hypermarket IKEA, in St. Petersburg - 2 branded store. The network consists of regional offices, which are located in Kazan and Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk and Krasnodar. Not spared IKEA side and Novosibirsk. And in 2011, the shops have been opened in the Ufa and Samara.
The company, which represents the interests of IKEA in Russia, called "IKEA Russia and Ukraine." They consist of two organizations called "IKEA MOS" LLC and "House of IKEA." "IKEA Mos" is engaged in the development of the shopping center "MEGA" network and division "IKEA Home" - management company store.
First, IKEA company conquered the market of Ukraine, then took up the study of the Ukrainian market. In 2010, the Ukrainian market research has been completed, but the company did not come out at him, deciding to wait. Priority cooperation with Ukraine - developing partnerships with manufacturers of furniture and related products in the territory of Ukraine.
On the territory of the Russian Federation is already operating businesses IKEA. This furniture factory, which opened in 2006 year (and Lenin Moscow region), factory (production) and a sawmill, which are in the Republic of Karelia. I invested in IKEA Russian companies about $ 4 billion. IKEA in Russia has achieved a stable position only 2006 year and ended the year with a profit of about two and a half billion. Rubles. Since that time, the sale of goods IKEA increased approximately 20 percent each year.
In 2010, the results reflecting the research of the prices of IKEA products in all countries of the world where there are IKEA representations were published. It turned out that prices in the Russian Federation are among the highest. True, it turned out that Russia is in third place after such countries as Japan and Australia. If we analyze the reason for the high prices for goods from IKEA in Russia, then we can draw disappointing conclusions. The main reasons for the high cost are insufficiently developed Russian logistics, a high level of tax rates and, sad as it may seem, corruption.
It should be noted that already during the construction of the first IKEA facility a conflict situation was created that "shattered" IKEA with local authorities. Under the approved project, the Swedish manufacturer had to build a flyover over the Leningrad Highway. As soon as on both sides of the road the supports were mounted, IKEA asked the traffic police to stop the traffic on this route in order to continue the work already begun. But the enterprise received a refusal, the motive of which was quite unexpected. The authorities claimed that the construction would violate the integrity of the composition entitled "Antitank hedgehogs", which perpetuates the feat of partisans during the Great Patriotic War.
At that time, the head of the Russian division of IKEA was Lennart Dahlgren. He commented on the situation, transparently speaking about the corruption of the Russian and Moscow authorities. The press responded appropriately to this remark. The most serious claims to the IKEA company were made by Deputy Prime Minister Joseph Ordzhonikidze, who at that time oversaw foreign investments in the city of Moscow. Moreover, the protocol included the recording of instructions to the press secretary Sergei Tsoi to get involved in taking measures that would underscore the unlawfulness of the actions of the Swedish company.
2004 year was very important for IKEA as its leadership decided to open "MEGA" shopping mall. But for unknown reasons, the opening was postponed several times. The structure could not possibly pass the State Commission for acceptance facilities. The tenants of the mall suffered huge losses, equal to more than 2 million. Euro. The problem has been exhausted only when IKEA "decided" to donate one million dollars for the construction of sports facilities in the Moscow region.
But IKEA management does not believe it is a manifestation of corruption. This donation to good purpose. Such situations arise not only in Russia but also in the construction of shopping centers in the European Union. Normal is considered and the strategy discussions of infrastructure, such as bridges or roads.
In 2009, the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service has surprised the company IKEA new statement. It was the company's allegation that it forces the tenant services consume only a certain number of insurance companies. These facts have received so much publicity, in this regard, even criminal proceedings were instituted.
In the Russian regions IKEA development also faced with various problems. For example, the year 2003 known fact that the final stage of construction of the store near St. Petersburg was "frozen" since the Ministry of Environment refused to issue an expert opinion.
The Novosibirsk city administration also had claims to IKEA. The reason for this attitude was the reluctance of the Swedish manufacturer to properly equip the transport access to the shopping mall. Therefore, the opening of the shopping center, which was planned for 2007 year, was delayed. 2009 year - postponing the opening of a hypermarket in the city of Omsk, due to the fact that the developer did not have the necessary documentation. One of the main reasons for refusals to open IKEA shopping centers is the mismatch of the fire safety of stores. Another of the problems with opening hypermarkets of representation is problems with technical documentation.
Not only the above-mentioned objects have been distressed at the stage of completion of construction and opening, difficulties arose in cities such as Rostov-on-Don, Kazan and Adygea. In Krasnodar, the land which has already pledged for the construction of IKEA shopping center, at the last minute was given to third parties. Therefore, the construction of the center has not taken place.
The MEGA shopping center in Samara was built in 2007, but it did not start operating until 2011. Ten times his discovery was postponed, since the investor did not possess the necessary permissive documentation. The regional inspection of construction supervision refused to issue the necessary documents, since the project was not designed for a hurricane, whose wind force is 30 m / s. While the object was idle, it went up in price twice. In the middle of 2009, the amount that was spent to build the building amounted to almost 8 billion rubles. The Samara project was frozen. And only by March of the year 2010 IKEA managed to legalize the construction in Samara, having completed the necessary package of documents.
June 2009 years known for being the owner of the concern Ingvar Kamprad, has accused the Russians of cheating. Tariffs for gas and electricity have been greatly exaggerated than originally stated rates. Accordingly, the company IKEA has suffered losses worth about 135 million. Euro. TC "Mega Parnas", built in St. Petersburg, not connected in the stated time to the power grid, and the owners were forced to connect the building to stand-alone diesel generators, the use of which is much higher than market rates.
September 2009 years: Moscow Arbitration Court obliges IKEA pay the debt in favor of "independent power supply systems" in the amount 285 million. Russian rubles for rent generators. Furniture concern, in turn, filed a lawsuit against Russian energy, which is currently pending. Manual IKEA refuses to comment on the situation.
In 2010 year with the help of "Lenenergo", alternative power sources and meters, transformers were installed, which made it possible to pay the Swedish concern electricity that was actually consumed. At a time when the affair became interested in Prosecutor General's Office, resigned already filed CEO "Lenenergo". But suddenly at the end of the year 2010 between IKEA and the Russian company was signed settlement agreement, and the lawsuit was withdrawn. And in 2011, the Prosecutor General's Office again found violations connected to the network in the "MEGA Dybenko".
The story of the electricity grid continued in 2010 year. Manual IKEA has informed that the company has paid a fictitious act of delivery and acceptance of electrical equipment, and then the shopping mall for three years has been in operation for a false solution. Of course, the company's executives that are universally declared their innocence in the bribery, said that IKEA is not implicated in corruption in any way. The situation, in their opinion, was absolutely unacceptable.
After lengthy proceedings in the company two top managers were removed from their posts: Director for Central and Eastern Europe Per Kaufman and director of real estate Stefan Gross. Ingvar Kamprad told reporters that he was very upset by what happened in the Russian office.
In the autumn of the year 2010 the press published an interview with former manager of infrastructure Staffan Germanssona which revealed details of neglect and corruption related to the implementation of "MEGA" project in St. Petersburg.
In the summer of 2009 of the IKEA holding, it announced the termination of the network development in Russia due to unpredictable administrative actions in some regions. At that time, promises had already been made that the Swedish company would be allowed to complete the facilities under construction in such cities as Samara, Omsk, Ufa and the Moscow region, but in the future, investment activities will be discontinued. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation intervened in the situation on the side of IKEA and took the side of IKEA. Even the Swedish Minister of Trade Eva Björling and Foreign Minister Carl Bildt entered the negotiations on IKEA. In a number of publications, articles appeared that the opening of the IKEA Samara branch could restore the holding company to the embodiment of the idea of expansion in Russia. And in the plans of the Swedish manufacturer to "conquer" cities like Saratov, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Voronezh, Sochi, Togliatti, Barnaul and Tyumen.
Since 1 October 2010 year, the leadership of "IKEA Mos" was entered by Per Wandschlag, who previously headed the Inter IKEA Center Group in Austria, Switzerland and South-Eastern Europe. Priority goals, which he proclaimed, included the introduction of new management standards that are consistent with the corporate culture and values of IKEA. Initially, it was announced that in the next few years IKEA will not open new stores in the Russian Federation, as it will be busy with the development of existing ones. 2011 year for IKEA is significant in that the modernization was allocated from 50 to 100 million euros of investments. In the beginning of the same year, the production base of Swedwood LLC in Karelia was expanded and the annual production capacity of the enterprise was increased by 28 thousand m³ of finished products. However, the press began to disseminate information that the IKEA executives refused to build new stores outside of Moscow due to already existing difficulties with the opening of shopping centers in the cities of Samara and Ufa.
Subsequently, the company IKEA has denied this message, saying that the opening of these centers has nothing to do with strategic investment plans or strategies for the company in the Russian market. In fact, in the near future is not planned to open new shopping centers in new regions. But this absolutely does not mean that that investment campaign will be suspended.
Relations Director of Public Relations and Corporate Communications IKEA in Russia, Oksana Belychook even confirmed this view in an interview.
Untrue and hearing about the opening of "IKEA" store in Vladivostok in 2011 year.
During a special request, the press service of the Swedish company reported that internal inspections, which were conducted in 2010 due to corruption scandal, revealed that all the same signs of working with third parties that use corruption methods were discovered. A new problem, which was also revealed during the audit, was the imperfection of the system of work with personnel. 29 and 30 January 2011, there was a message about the mining of three shopping centers along the Moscow Ring Road. It was the shopping center Vegas, IKEA, MEGA Belaya Dacha. As it turned out, one of the fake terrorists was 21-year-old local guard. According to him, he committed this offense, taking offense at the head of the shift in which he worked.
Since 2010, plans have been frozen for the construction of new IKEA shopping centers in Perm, the Voronezh region, Novosibirsk and other regions. Until the period 2013-2015, the construction of a shopping center in the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region was postponed. It was planned to be the largest in Europe. Its area should be 400 thousand square meters, and the project cost - $ 1 billion. However, active customer demand, a positive trend that the company retained in the Russian market in the field of furniture retail, the recognition of the IKEA brand forced the company's management to think about opening a separate from an IKEA store in the Moscow region.
In the near future the modernization and development of the existing shopping center "IKEA" and "MEGA" involve mainly arrangement of parking and access roads for the stores customers. It was also announced that the planned extension of the transition and deceleration lanes exit of the Moscow Ring Road, which is near the "MEGA Teply Stan".