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FABRIKÖR display cabinet dark gray
Removable shelves are easy to install at the right height for storage needs.
Merchandising display allows you to show your glasses and your favorite trinkets, protecting them from dust.
Width: | 57 см |
Depth: | 47 см |
Height: | 150 см |
Max shelf load: | 10 kg |
Weight: 36,1kg
the number 1
Wipe clean with a cloth dampened in water or window-cleaner.
Wipe clean with a dry cloth.
Wipe clean with a cloth dampened in a mild cleaner.
Wipe clean with a dry cloth.
Helpful information
This furniture must be secured to the wall with the enclosed wall fastener.
Be careful when handling glass! Due to damaged edges and scratches on the surface, the glass may suddenly crack and / or break. Avoid strikes from the side, where glass is most vulnerable.
For different walls require different types of fasteners. Pick suitable for your walls screws, dowels, screws and so on. N. (Not included).
Designed by Nike Carlson
“The inspiration for creating the FABRICOR cabinet showcase was for me the industrial style of furniture of the beginning of the 20 century, in particular medical cabinets in which doctors stored medicines and medical instruments. Walls and a door made of transparent glass will allow you to best demonstrate your favorite objects. Such the wardrobe will look great in the living room, and maybe in the bedroom, if you put your favorite bags or shoes there. "
Prices in IKEA stores in different countries
The history of changes in the price of goods
The maximum price of an 14270364567.85 $ product was equivalent to 2024-04-17 in the country: South Korea.
Price history is available from March 2019. The default graph shows the countries with the highest and lowest prices, as well as the user's country. To display on the graph of other countries, click on the name of the country of interest at the bottom of the graph. Prices on the chart are approximate, in US dollars.
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