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FIXA accessories for hanging pictures, 116pcs
Article number 901.692.78
You can put on other boxes of goods series FIXA.
Allow to hang different pictures at the same level without drilling new holes in the wall or changing the length of the cord.
product dimensions
Amount in a package: | 116 pc |
Packaging dimensions and weight
Container / Lid / Insert:
Polypropylene Nail / Hook Mount:
Steel, Brass Hook:
ABS plastic Cotter pin:
Steel, Nickel-plated Additional Information
Helpful information
Hooks for hanging pictures and ornaments of different sizes can be installed in walls made of wood, plaster and concrete.
To hang large pictures, use the 2 hook.
The set includes: hooks for concrete walls - 5 multi-level and 10 standard; hooks for walls of wood / plastered walls - 6 double (for large paintings) and 15 single; 50 nails (1,5x25 mm) for double / single hooks and 30 nails (2,1x40 mm).
Henrik preutz
Prices in IKEA stores in different countries
The history of changes in the price of goods
The maximum price of an 651189601022.09 $ product was equivalent to 2022-12-16 in the country: Portugal.
Price history is available from March 2019. The default graph shows the countries with the highest and lowest prices, as well as the user's country. To display on the graph of other countries, click on the name of the country of interest at the bottom of the graph. Prices on the chart are approximate, in US dollars.
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