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Going on a picnic: i-Top goods for gardening
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In anticipation of the warm spring and summer days, we offer you the i-Top Goods for the garden and picnic. We have tried to choose only the most necessary. Of course, you can add a collection of garden that you will like of garden furniture IKEA catalog. And we, in turn, will offer you our "must have" and tell you how to use these products.
1. The first item on our list is, of course, garden furniture. If your budget is not limited, it is possible to choose a set of garden furniture on 4 person from the collection titled ÄPPLARÖ / Holly. This purchase will cost you 36 600 Russian rubles. Caring for this set of furniture is very simple, using a mild soap solution. Once a year is recommended to treat the stained furniture to avoid fading, cracking and moisture ingress. A furniture cushions with removable covers give the originality and the comfort of the couch.
More budget option for garden furniture - ÄPPLARÖ и ASKHOLMEN... They also include 1 table and 4 folding chairs. They can also be decorated with furniture cushions that add a touch of personality.
2. From the scorching sun protection Ramsay umbrella. It is made from a fabric which provides protection against UV rays. Ultraviolet radiation, due to the properties of the tissue, is blocked at 96%. Please note that the base for the umbrella must be purchased separately. Bearing fit for umbrella Rams FISKЁ.
3. IKEA also took care of the "delicious" part of the holiday. On the third line of our i-Top shopping for a portable garden located grill KORPONWhich due to its compactness can be used not only in the garden, but also to take to the beach, to the park and even camping. lattice design KORPON grill can be used for cooking small pieces, for example, fish or vegetables, as well as the usual meat dishes on the grill.
4. At number 4 we will post chaise lounge garden, where you can relax in the shade or sunbathe. The following models of the sun loungers in the IKEA catalog: Bromma и HOME. Bromma is made of solid acacia and impregnated with acrylic stain. Model HOME simpler: a steel frame and polyester fabric. Cost, of course, appropriate. Bromma cost 3 999 grew. rubles, and HOME -. 1 999 rubles. Both models are folding deck chairs and convenient for moving and storage.
5. Thus, the "finale": the lamp, which is useful for later gatherings in nature. It may be, for example, hanging, table or floor LED lamp SOLVIDEN on rechargeable batteries or LED garland SKRUV or KILOMETER.