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Information IKEA

Analogues of IKEA in Belarus

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At the time, wrote that ikeevskaya series "Leksvik" produced here in Belarus. Unfortunately, directly probably can not buy it from proivoditelya. What else proivodit IKEA furniture in our factories? Whether it is possible to buy from us?

One of IKEA's production partners in Belarus is OAO "FanDOK". This open joint-stock company is an old partner of IKEA. The assortment of supplied products for IKEA is mainly furniture from untreated wood. A distinctive feature of this Bobruisk enterprise is that the products supplied for IKEA can be found in Belarusian furniture stores under the brand name of FANDOK. For example, a set of children's furniture Svala can be found in Minsk in the "Furniture House" near the Komarovsky market, and the GORM rack and the ODVAR stool in Do-It-Yourself stores. The table below shows the names of IKEA products and the corresponding articles of Fandok OJSC.

Picture IKEA JSC "FanDOK"
Stand for magazines KNUFF
Stand for magazines, 2 pc
Box for documents F-003.11.1 and F-003.11.2
Table kids piled
Table for children
Table games F-084.01 (birch, alder)
Chairs piled children
Child chair
Chair for games F-084,02 (birch, alder)
Baby chair AGAM
Child chair
Chair "Agam"
Gorm shelving
Rack F-076.04
Rack F-076.04-01
Stool O - 119.09

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