At the initiative of IKEA in 2009-2010 years it was held a major international study on the development of children and the impact of games on the process of their education. The project was named "Igrologiya". IKEA are convinced that the results of this study will be useful for both children and their parents. This article contains material relating to this project and we hope they will be not only interesting, but also useful.
Videos of the project "Igrologiya"
{Yootube} H5pfsJUjAhk {/yootube}
Part 1
{yootube} JN6ro-XJsTE {/yootube}
Part 2
{yootube} IQapCzhrfP0 {/yootube}
Reports about the project
International Report Download
Report on Russia Download
Pages of the project on social networks and on YouTube.
Useful information about the project "Igrologiya"
Igrologiya - quite a serious thing
Igrology is the largest research project of all that has ever been implemented in the field of the education of children and the definition of the role of the game in the modern world. The results of the survey 11 000 people (8 000 adults and 3 000 children) in 25 countries of the world formed the basis for the report published on the Internet resource Vkontakte. The report contains a lot of information about the game, the skill of which most of us lost in adolescence. But nevertheless, we realize the importance of this activity. On our page in VKontakte "Let there be more games in the world - Iglogiya" you can discuss the results of the research, create new topics, view and upload videos and photos and get acquainted with ideas that allow to improve the lives of children and parents.
Cooperation of parents and professionals
In the first phase of the project team - experts from the USA, Switzerland and China - worked with several active parents using interactive surveys to identify current global problem of child development.
The initiative of the formal investigation
Together, we have created a report that reflects the everyday needs and concerns of parents on three continents. We have studied these problems on a global scale, having a formal investigation 25 markets, each of which is represented by 300 100 parents and children.
Discussion of the results and further cooperation
For a discussion of the results and further cooperation IKEA has created a Facebook community resources, Vkontakte and the YouTube, so people can share experiences, participate in discussions and deeper study of the topics that they are interested in.
Unexpected results ...
Most children prefer to play with friends and parents, and do not watch TV. When children from different parts of the world were asked about what they prefer - TV shows or games with friends and parents, 89 percent chose the game with friends, 73 percent - from parents and only 11 percent would prefer a TV.
Parents are too busy to find time for games. 45 percent of parents surveyed agree that they do not have time to play with children. But even when they find this time to do so, often distracted by other problems, and can not fully enjoy the game, and the 25 percent believe that they are "too busy to get pleasure from the game."
Almost half of parents believe that games should perform an educational function. Children do not agree with this. Almost half (45 percent) of parents are convinced that the best game is the one that performs educational functions. This is the opinion of two thirds of parents in China, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Spain, Hungary, Russia, Poland and Portugal. 17 percent of parents in China, Italy, Russia and the United States want the children to learn something new in the process of the game, and not just amuse themselves. 27 percent of parents think that the game should always pursue any goal. But 51 percent of children like to play more than to learn. Most parents want their home to have more opportunities for children's creativity. The question is how to achieve this. 89 percent of parents agree that the game plays an important role in developing the imagination of children. And practically all (93 percent) agree that it is an essential factor in the development of the child. 71 percent feel that they should "encourage children to work at home", but do not know how to do it.
Not all parents want their children to be happy. 72 percent of parents reported that most of all they want the children happy. What then can be said about the rest of the 28 percent? In second place was the financial well-being, on the third - the attentive relation to other people.
Children from all over the world share their thoughts
That's how children aged up to 7 12 years answered the question: "If you could get everything you want, what would you choose?"
- "Pony"
- "I wish I was 16 years"
- "Time Machine. Library »
- "I want my nurse came back to me from heaven, because she played a lot with me and allowed me to have fun!".
- "I would like to happen more often with mom, going to the park, to bake cakes. I want us to dinner together like a real family, and no TV. And I want to draw with her mother and with her make Christmas cards and decorations. "
- "I wish that my school friends lived closer so that we can meet and play more, especially in the park."
- "To be a champion velosipedistom-"
Communication, information sharing and collaborative games
On our FaceBook page "Let the world will be more games - Igrologiya" people can share information and participate in discussions within the project. On YouTube, we opened a channel to upload user-created videos. The fact that people can simply find out about the results of the survey is in itself wonderful, but we would like to involve them in the discussion of games. Since Facebook, Vkontakte and YouTube are open, free and accessible resources, we considered that they would be an ideal platform for this project on the Internet. IKEA launches the free Irology app for iPhone and iPod Touch devices, which will facilitate parent-child games. His concept is based on joint participation in the game of an adult, a child and an iPhone device. This is not just a list of games, but software, the various possibilities of which will make the game inspiring and fun. The application will feature the favorite games of children from around the world, and during the year it will be updated with new games.
Meet our expert on games
The study of Igrology was led by Barbie Clarke, Chief Executive Officer of Family Kids and Youth, which studies the youth environment. Her 20-year experience in international research proved to be very useful for this project. Clark watched an online survey conducted in 25 countries in 19 languages. In total, 10 000 people were interviewed - 7 500 parents and 2 500 children aged 7 to 12 years, who were asked fifty different questions about games and everyday home life. Barbie received a Ph.D. in Pedagogical Faculty of Cambridge University, where she majored in child and adolescent psychology. She studied how young adolescents use digital media. Ms. Clarke also represents the Market Research Society (MRS) in matters of child consumption. In addition, she heads a regional public education institution that deals with primary school problems, and participates in the work of the BBC Children's Editorial Council.
What was the result of the research on children's development and games? This is a very large-scale and meaningful study, so it is not easy to say about it in a few words. One of the most interesting, in my opinion, results is that children most want communication: 30 percent of participants in our study chose to play games with friends as a favorite pastime. The second most popular occupation is video games (15 percent), then games with parents - 10 percent. Nine out of ten children prefer to play with friends, not watch TV. This is encouraging, since such games are an important part of children's development, which fosters the formation of communication skills. So, thinking that our children are constantly chained to the TV screen, we are often mistaken. In fact, half of the children surveyed tend to do something on their own, do not want everyone to think up for them. They do not need a lot of toys, they will willingly prefer outdoor games invented by themselves. This destroys the myths that have developed about today's children. It seemed to me interesting that more than half of the children surveyed believed that it was easy for them to make friends. Such a healthy trend can not but rejoice. I think that the childhood of these children - and indeed a wonderful time ... You have a huge experience in this area. Was there anything in the results of this study that surprised you?
Very interesting to me was information about who is trusted by parents. In our time, most of them are available a huge amount of information about the upbringing of children. However, most often they seek advice from their own parents. Despite the availability of books, magazines, the Internet, etc. They ask their moms and dads, "What should I do?" This should not have surprised 15-20 years ago, but now, when raising children is already an entire industry, it's amazing. And really shows who parents really trust. The report notes that the lack of time for children is one of the problems that parents are worried about today. What do you think about it?
Alas, this is not news - 45 percent of surveyed parents said they did not have enough time to play with children, and 55 percent said that their communication with them well enough. Three-quarters of parents reported that they would like to spend more time just relaxing with the children. Unfortunately, our society is deprived in terms of free time.
Interestingly, however, the fact that parents spend with their children today is four times longer than it was in the year 1975. And yet, our guilt is great in front of them like never before. I think this is partly due to the fact that the overall development of a child in today's world given special attention. Parents feel that they have to devote more time to children, entertain them at birth.
The notion that children's development is directly linked with the intelligence of the child, to a certain extent true, but it is important to comply with the measure. It seems to me that some are too conscious parents can simply overwork children his attention. A child will likely not appreciate.
And yet, the meaning is not to constantly sit with children, teach them to take care of them - in fact, nothing is more important emotional connection. Children do not necessarily feel the constant presence of parents in their lives. Of course, they need to understand that their somewhat limited, protection from danger, but it should not turn into giperzabotu. And what they think about the children?
Two out of five believe that parents watch over them too much. This is quite a lot, given the concerns of parents about this. Children say: "You are too care about us." And do not forget: it was not yet twelve, it's not even teenagers who are always complaining about the surplus of parental attention!
"The rules of the game" furniture dealer
Why does the company selling furniture pay so much attention to issues of children's development and games? Yes, because IKEA staff are the same parents as everyone else! We are convinced that the house is the main playground in the world - both for children and for parents. That is why the development of the IKEA range for children - which is the embodiment of creativity, imagination and fun - has always been given so much attention. For many years, cooperating with leading world experts in education, communicating with parents and studying their daily life, we learned a lot about children. And this knowledge is reflected in everything, whatever we do, help us create functional and safe goods for children of any age.
We hope that the information collected during the survey will allow us to find innovative approaches to the development of new products, as well as help in dealing with parents and their children - both online and in real life.
IKEA Children engaged in furnishing homes
The game is not just fun, it's hard work that the child does from the morning until night. And this work should be taken seriously, because it forms the basis for the development of the child and the emergence of his personality. In developing product design, IKEA cooperates with specialists in various areas of child development. This is how we learn about security and how these or those games stimulate the development of a variety of skills. And after that, IKEA consults the most important specialists - with children. We ask them to play with our goods as they just want. Looking at the world through the eyes of the child, IKEA tries to give children "friends" with whom they will be really interesting and good.
Cooking in a hurry
Play furniture that mimics the real, - an excellent assistant in role-playing games. Imitating adults and for coming up with new roles, children practice social skills without which it can not do when grow up: for example, the ability to empathize with and play as a team.
In perpetual motion
Kids never sit still, and it helps them develop coordination of movements. In addition, as they learn to manage their feelings of touch - smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste, which helps them to better feel your body. No less important for the development of the ability to relax. Dimensional rocking chair gives a pleasant body and promotes deep relaxation.
Project manager IKEA "Lessons for Children" focuses on the role of the game: "The game for children - this is the life"
Maria ELANDER, project manager for IKEA, "Lessons for Children", shares his thoughts of children's needs, development and thirst for knowledge.
What is the "Lessons for Children"?
This program, whose purpose - to expand the knowledge of the children and their needs and family life in all parts of IKEA. It was launched in 1995, on the initiative of the founder of our company, and Ingvar Kamprad became an integral part of the global program IKEA for children.
Why School?
For IKEA, children are the most important people on Earth. Our main goal is to help them grow by offering products that promote development. We believe that the "Lessons about Children" program is the best way to ensure that everything in our organization, from product developers to the compiler of advertising texts, really understands and shares our mission. Someone may be surprised that the furniture company pays such attention to issues of child development. Over the years, we have collected a fairly large amount of information and have always worked closely with leading specialists in the development of children. Joint work with teachers of theorists and scientists is a good way to expand their knowledge about new achievements in the field of child development. And it is extremely important, in our opinion, to share this experience with parents.
How this helps Igrologiya?
Game - a fundamental aspect of child development. In the global study we have collected new data on how it is perceived by children and parents all over the world. This will help to better understand its meanings in different cultures and will enable us to offer customers the best products for the game.
What for you is the essence of the conclusions made in the report?
While there, noting that the role of children's games is very different in different countries, all parents and children agreed that it is of paramount importance. Perhaps this is not news, but still it prompts further study of the problems.
What can we expect from IKEA, taking into account the results of the study?
We use this knowledge to improve the children's assortment of the company, to make it more useful for parents and children around the world. However, on any specific terms and methods of achieving this is still too early to say.
When it comes to safety, we are on the side of children who think about security in the midst of the fun? Similarly, not children - they have better things to do. Therefore, we have a responsibility for ensuring that the time to find the hidden threat. In full accordance with international standards we put the safety of our products in the first place, since children at play should feel free. Learn more about the safety of our toys.
For more information about global poll
Internet survey was conducted in 25 the world by international consultants from the London Research Now. Company Youth Research Family Kids and Youth partnered with IKEA to develop the questionnaire, analysis of results and preparation of the review of child development and the role of the game. The survey was conducted in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
In October-November 2009 years using the Internet were interviewed 8 000 parents (interrogation lasted 10 minutes) and the 3 000 children (4-5 minutes). In each country surveyed: 300 parents of children aged up to 1 12 years (in equal proportions of mothers and fathers) and children from the 100 7 12 years before.
As all this was happening on the Internet, the results of the survey and its report represent only the views of the parents and children who have access to the global network (usually the home). The report on the games they are sometimes called "Internet-parents / children." Views of the rural population of the surveyed countries, where the Internet works relatively slowly, can be represented.
Given the confidence intervals of the sample, care must be taken to apply the results obtained. In general, the range of data scattered by parents from different countries should not exceed 10 percentages to allow for this information, and the differences between data from parents of one country and the average IKEA index (the direct weighted average Data of all 25 countries) should equal or exceed 7 percent. The corresponding differences in the children's survey data are approximately 15 and 10 percent.
Based on materials from IKEA.