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Cow or sheep skin - a noble decoration of your interior

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Luddite sheep's clothing - gray

It's amazing how diverse and individual the interior is in every person's house. And how many exquisite and unusual "little things" you can buy today, ennobling your home! Is not it? There is enough temptation. Yes, and everyone wants to like it himself, and others admire your skill and ingenuity to create comfort. Everyone has their own "Dream House", where it will be warm and sweet at any time of the year.

Today, the prestigious and luxurious decor in the interior can be called such an accessory, which can hardly be refused every second person (no doubt about it there are contradictions). This is a wonderful decoration, which will be discussed is cowhide or sheepskin, which will perfectly fit into almost any interior. Many centuries ago, our ancestors protected themselves from the cold with the help of the skin, and now it performs a decorative function and decorates your home. This decorative element can vary in color, dressing and pile length, as well as in its functionality. For design, both natural and artificial skins are used. Note that the advantage of artificial ones is that they are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. For some people, this is an important point!

IKEA offers you a range of skins, which includes a cozy sheep (Natural and artificial), and practical cowhides (different colors and price categories). These skins are perfect for a classic room setting.


KOLDBI cowhides - Black / White
KOLDBI cowhides - brown / white
KORNUM cowhides


Luddite sheep's clothing - gray
Rens sheepskins

Artificial sheepskin

For those who can not afford to purchase natural skin, IKEA offers simulated faux sheepskin Thane.

Thein Artificial sheepskin

Observation workers IKEA store discovered a funny thing: women are more likely to purchase a plush and white sheepskins, because they look soft, fresh and noble, create an atmosphere of romance and "relaxation". Men prefer a discreet and practical option: natural cow hides, they are more durable in use. In any case, both options will bring warmth, comfort and charm.

The most common cow and sheep skin is used as a carpet in the bedroom by the bed, in the living room sofa, and great this "pussy" will find themselves in the children's room. The classic version. However, your legs will feel the warmth and comfort in any season. Note that there are other intricate methods of use of skins. Here are some of them:

  1. Position the sheepskin can be a chair, sofa, ottoman. It's nice to read a book, watch TV, communicate with loved ones.
  2. A common way - upholstery.
  3. The office in the country or in the apartment: on the floor or on the wall of the cow hide. Great emphasis in the interior.
  4. The warmth of the fireplace, calming the fire, a soft sheepskin rug and you, with a glass of your favorite wine and a loved one. Romance!
  5. Small warm mat in the bath in the morning. Nicely!

Remember that overload the interior skins are not worth it, the meaning of the decoration element is lost.

Design your apartment, country house can be decorated in any style. And only you can decide which option is the skins will be appropriate for you. By the way, fur skins will be a wonderful gift for a housewarming party.


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