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Review of chairs for feeding

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Today, continuing a series of reviews of various Children's IKEA, we would like to tell you about a highchair. We have previously written reviews cots for babies, changing tables и cots. The range of these products in the IKEA is large enough and allows you to select the model almost any taste. But back to the subject of today's review, namely - high chairs.

In an age since 6 months, kids are already in full measure imitate adults and want to do what adults do: use the same objects, sit and eat at the table. And eat lying already interested, and my mother uncomfortable to hold the baby on your lap and feed it at the same time, as an adult chair seat baby safe. Therefore, you will definitely need new furniture for your baby: a special high highchair.

You can use the highchair with six months of age, when the child's spine become strong enough, and he will learn to sit independently.

A feature of this age is the introduction of the diet variety of baby cereals, and fruit and vegetable purees. Child frequently during feeding food smears on the objects around him and on his own. Therefore, the baby need specially designated place. Highchair will help your child learn how to quickly and accurately to eat. Help highchair and mothers: the child who sits on the contrary, from a spoon to feed much more comfortable than sitting on their hands.

High chair allows your child to sit at the table with his parents, he will not act up, parents from taking food, will learn to behave properly at the table.

How do you find a good chair that will appeal not only to the kid, but his parents, without breaking the exquisite design of the kitchen? Consider the fact that IKEA offers:

Highchair ANTILOP

ANTILOP highchairThis is a chair, in which there is nothing superfluous. It is easily disassembled, and you can take it with you. Thanks to the stable legs, the chair does not turn over. In addition, you can buy a table top, which is attached directly to the chair. It is easy to take care of such a chair - just wipe it with a damp cloth. The seat is made of polypropylene, the legs are steel. Available in several colors, which will help you choose exactly the color that best suits your environment. In addition, this chair for feeding is perhaps the most requested of the presented in our review.

Highchair SPOLING

Highchair SPOLINGThis stylish folding chair. It is convenient to store even in a small kitchen. At the back is a practical pocket for storing small things. Cover is removed, it can be washed in a washing machine. The seat is made of polypropylene, steel legs. Its main difference is the presence of antelope removable fabric cover, which happens to be in black and white and gray and white. We liked the gray-white coloring, although it is probably more brand. On the other hand - cover is easy to wash.

Highchair LEOPARD

Highchair LEOPARDDo not leave indifferent neither parents nor their children. Original design chair design - it's a decent throne little prince or princess. Table top can be removed and put a chair closer to the big table. Frame and tray are made of reinforced polypropylene. Seat shell: ABS plastic, polyamide plastic. Perhaps the most unusual of the highchair provided to IKEA. Oh, I almost forgot, found in two colors - as in the picture and in white.

Also, in addition to any of the chairs IKEA can buy support soft pad BARNSLIG. It creates a soft support for the back of the baby.

All chairs have seat belts and jumper between the legs. This ensures the safety of your baby. Kids love to sit in any of the chairs IKEA does not distract from the meal.

In conclusion, we want to say that all the above high chairs are in high demand among customers, ensure that you can read reviews about them IKEA catalog.


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