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TRENDIG: combination of incongruous

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Collection TRENDIGLimited collection of goods from a company called IKEA TRENDIG produced with the assistance of IKEA design team and two Chinese designers. It was a kind of exchange of experience, not only professional, but also cultural, and this experience has already found expression in 30-five items in the collection. If you believe the company's management, this is the first step towards the creation of a series of similar Collections. The only drawback TRENDIG, it seems to us, is that it really made in a single copy. That is, when it will be implemented, will be the turn of a very different collection series.

Thus, the base of the collection is a mixture of two cultures: Scandinavian и Chinese. Despite the complexity of the combination of a fundamentally different traditions, creative designers who participated in the development TRENDIG, not only managed to combine seemingly incongruous something, but to do elements collection is suitable and comfortable for everyday life. From the Scandinavian culture TRENDIG "inherited" style, and the Chinese - the shape of objects. This made it possible to emphasize the national flavor of each party.

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TRENDIG collection

If we talk about the basic postulates of philosophy TRENDIG, here at the heart of it was staged environmental friendliness. The entire collection is made from pure, natural and environmentally friendly materials: bamboo, natural cotton fabrics, Rice paper, solid birch, etc. For example, made of bamboo butcherAnd rice paper - lampshades.

Lampshade TRENDIG


Given the uniqueness of Chinese culture, it was added in portions TRENDIG. As bright accent are present in the collection of national patterns and Chinese motifs, as well as the inherent Asian culture colors. Chinese style embody Image goldfish on bowls, plates и dishcloth, Flower buds and fantastic fans.


Serving bowls

The dominant colors in TRENDIG - red и green. Why do designers have stopped them? The answer is simple: these colors as possible combined with natural materials, which are based on the use of the entire collection TRENDIG.

Dishtowels TRENDIG

We note and a business card collection TRENDIG - chairs-smilesThat elevate mood. Backs of the chairs are made in the form of a smile and they are easy to create a new mood of the day, you just look at them. In addition to chairs in the collection can be found funny RІR ° C · P <, sets of boxesstanding cabinet и dining table. Even such products as pepper, salt shaker and toothpick holder a tray of bright colors are very well thought out and balanced design


Set of boxes with a lid

Hope, guidance, and IKEA designers keep their word and very soon we will see another such collection that will amaze us with its boldness and surprise and will be the second element in the variety series collections.

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