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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

alterations IKEA

DIY, An acronym for Do It Youself - a fashionable, and most importantly practical, hobby that allows you to make handmade things, get pleasure from it, and sometimes money. In this section of ours, we will try to show the most interesting DIY projects with furniture and IKEA products, tell in detail how this was done and push you :) to create your own unique masterpieces. Our DIY IKEA heading is first and foremost a source of inspiration that will direct your creative and engineering abilities and help you create truly awesome, unlike anything else. 

You can send your IKEA hacks on e-mail [email protected] and we will publish them with pleasure.

3 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.00 (4 Votes)

It often happens that the room was quite spacious, but not big enough to install it island kitchen. The way of brainstorming, we came up with a solution that may all 100% will satisfy fans of island cuisine and do not clutter the space. This we can do it by means of support for table with shelf FINVARD white. So, get to work. Our goal - to create furnitureWhich is the most spacious and functional, as well as save kitchen space.

3.5555555555556 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.56 (9 Votes)

The vacuum cleaner is very necessary and useful thing, which is claimed in any home. Modern interior household cleaners do not differ from their ancestors and structurally consist of a body, which are hidden pump and air cleaner hose and a set of brushes. Such a vacuum cleaner design is convenient to clean, but during storage have difficulty placing a compact vacuum cleaner parts. This "hack" we would like to show one of the possible options for the storage of the hose of a vacuum cleaner in a confined space.

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

In recent years, more and more often we see on the pages of Internet products DIY. What to do to those who are not strong in the works, but wants to have a stylish thing in the house, made by the hands, Handmaiden? Our advice: choose the alteration to be easy to design for any man, regardless of his creativity, and we will in this posodeystvuem.

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

Vintage is a mix of styles, which means by itself that the old decor, elements of decoration, made antique, using ancient techniques, skillfully woven into the modern interiors. Usually we buy vintage items or even find them among the long-forgotten grandmother's furniture, as well as the gain on sale.

4 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.00 (2 Votes)

Considering the layout of a standard apartment, you can always find the room such as a bedroom, nursery, kitchen, hallway and bathroom, but what about working office? Of course, this study does not need a lot, because most of us in the morning and goes to work in order to be productive, we do not have to create special conditions at home. However, there are those who work at home, and in this situation certainly can not do without the home office.

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