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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Do you know what "arabesque style"?

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Best style arabesqueArabesque, translated from Italian, means "Arabic". In art arabesque is an oriental ornament consisting of repeating groups of plant and geometric elements. In the figures may be present separate images of people, birds, animals, and sometimes fantastic creatures and Arabic script. Pattern ends and resumes without violating the integrity of the ornament. Europeans called such a dense pattern without a background "fear of emptiness." History arabesque dates back to the Middle Ages in the Arab East. Muslims believe arabesque the symbol of "the indefinitely continuing fabric of the universe." How style can be combined arabesque и furniture IKEA? Let's see how this can be implemented using products of the line BESTÅ.


1. Shelf unit / height add-on module BESTÅSize 120x40x38 cm;

2. Section shelves BESTÅ, 60x40x38 cm;

3. 2 glossy doors BESTÅ Toft, 60x38 cm;

4. Glass door BESTÅ Tomba, 60 × 38 cm;

5. Push mechanism BESTÅ, 2 piece.

6. The top panel BESTÅ, glass, 180 × 40 cm.

Also involved in the alteration of 8 oak furniture legs (can be more to your taste), glossy white spray paint, small anchor bolts, screws, glue for wood products, paint or adhesive tape, stencil film with a regular pattern. 

The basic set of tools: drill, circular saw, a penknife.

First collect section BESTÅ 120x40x38 see, according to the instructions, but do not fasten the legs, which are included. Also in step instructions №6 skip installation of one of the rear wall. When assembling for better stability recommended further process parts glue joints. Then collect the second section on the attached instructions (again, except for the legs).

BESTÅ design

Put two sections together and using a drill make 4 holes in a line in their sidewalls. Then we need to make a few holes: 3 - at the top and 3 - at the bottom. Do not forget to use glue, but then fasten two screws section. Do not overdo it with the tightening of screws, as you may mar the surface.

Oak legs

Those legs, which are used in this alteration, were little more than planned. Therefore, bringing them to a desired size by a circular saw.

Circular Saw

Feet in 12 will see at the time for giving structure stability. Despite the apparent stability of our furniture, for added reliability when mounting legs strongly suggested to use anchor bolts. 

BESTÅ upside down

Take a glass door BESTÅ Tomba and using masking (insulating) tape, some paper or newspaper and stencil film, paint the glass part of the door on both sides glossy white spray paint in several layers - this will give the best result. Do not forget to give each layer to dry before applying the next. Paint the handle in the same way that the design had a solid appearance. If you leave the pen as it is, it will be unprofitable to stand out and "cut eye". 

Paint the door

Secure all doors and install push mechanisms. Add a little courage in using LED-backlight.

Finished design

And the last step is to mount the top of the glass panel BESTÅ. Remaking ready!

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