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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

"Crisis" storage in the kitchen

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Keeping the kitchen photoNo matter how large or has a kitchen, a place for it is never enough. Therefore, the competent organization of the storage of useful things is not easy. You can buy ready-made kits storage containers in the kitchenAnd you can use your imagination and create a storage area itself. Thus, the storage system with ergonomic design - theme of today's rework. Just imagine that you will have everything at your fingertips, no longer need to look for a tea bag or foil for baking. Hopefully this alteration will change your idea of ​​the order in the kitchen. Now jars of spices and tea, food film, spices and much more will be located in hanging storage containers

these products we need for this alteration of IKEA Catalogue:

- roof rails clasp (55 * 4.5 * 5 cm);

Reiling clasp

- containers clasp (12 * 13 * 13 cm);

Containers clasp

- s-hooks clasp (Height - 7 see, the package contains 10 pcs.);

- Shelves GRUNDTAL 13 cm depth, height - 20 25 cm and see. It should be remembered that the maximum shelf load up to 3-x kg.


- Stands for hot LEMPLIGMade of stainless steel (sizes - 50 * 20 * 2 cm).

Stands for hot LEMPLIG
If you want to have a lot of storage space in the kitchen, but at the same time, do not damage the surface of the wall, which is usually spread tiles, then this solution is for you. Under the upper kitchen cabinets, we arrange rails clasp from the collection, and then hang the stand under the hot LEMPLIG, which will be secured and our storage containers clasp using s-hooks from the same series. 
Clasps storage
Storage containers
Possible options for the location of structures can be seen in the photo. But you may like to make this a reality and to make its own "flavor".

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