All exactly as in the pharmacy. Do you know where it went expression? It appeared in those ancient times, when almost all medicines were made strictly for personal recipes. Any pharmacist knew that even plus or minus one gram change the properties of the drug. A Are you familiar with the expression - in order pharmacy. For each drug its place, your signature box with a large massive wardrobe. In our remaking we will speak about restoring order and how it will implement a la pharmacy cabinet.
For its production can take any sectional shelf with different sizes of offices IKEA Catalogue or you have any pre-existing. In order to make your own hands pharmacy cabinet for home please be plenty of wooden slats. They shall have the dimensions of your workpiece, which is the basis of future products. In fact, these racks we sheathe our sectional shelf. They should not only be of different lengths, but also the width. It is this diversity will give relief product.
So, to start or base shelf rack fills. This will make the locker higher, as well as help to slightly change its appearance. How to do it you can see in the photo below. To hide nailed slats, bring down the kind of trim for the bottom in the form of furniture plinth. Such manipulation is done a top portion of the shelf. Next sheathe its perimeter, and we have formed the following form blank.
Pharmacy storage cabinet Only it will look better, if sidewalls we will lay a small size with wooden slats. After we have done this, we proceed to work with the facade. Using liquid nails on the facade part of the shelf we attach thin slats. And now comes, perhaps, the most interesting and creative part of the process of alteration. Part of the drawers will be retractable, the rest - in the form of boxes-deceptions. In the second case, with the help of a single piece of wood, slats and liquid nails, we make only doors. Behind them will be hidden items for infrequent use. To fix them on the shelf used overhead magnetic latches for furniture, which are easy to install and operate. On the door we attach a small frame for the inscriptions. By them we will designate what is behind this or that door.
Now we can start processing pharmacy locker. In the first stage is used to stain wood. She zatoniruet product to the desired color, we, as well as protection of the wood. Before proceeding to the use of stains, it is necessary to sand the entire surface, remove the resulting dust, process the workpiece with white spirit and leave to dry. Only then start toning. It is important to remember that the more time you allot for soaking wood surface stains, the darker the product will be output. At the end of cover pharmacy cabinet fast drying polyurethane varnish. If you want to put a few layers, it should withstand 4-6 hours between coats. The final layer is required 24-hour drying.
So you have got acquainted with the production version pharmacy cabinet Housing. It's easy to clean house, and you'll always know what is in each of the many boxes.