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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

"Decoupage" LACK table

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LAK - decoupageAgain, in our remaking one of the most popular representatives ikeevskogo directory - LACK coffee table. Solid, durable, functional, equipped with an extra shelf for newspapers, magazines and other items he will take over the function of guardian of order in the room and will last you a long time. When you see him any damage it can always be updated and will help you in this, our topic alterations IKEA.

For the transformation of the table in black and brown design, we need Gift Wrapping Paper with different pictures. On how interesting supported on wrapping paper pattern depends the future attractiveness table. You can use absolutely any alteration of images, such as photos and pictures from magazines, for it is your imagination. 

LACK Coffee tableWe lay out the existing clippings on a previously stored blank measuring 118x78 cm, creating a kind of picture or even call it a beautiful word collageThe size of a tabletop.

Small educational program: collage (From the French. Collage - sticking) called technique, usually in the fine arts, which involves sticking to the base material, differing from it in color and / or texture.

Packaging paperThen, when for each fragment its place is determined, we coat the surface of the workpiece with glue of the Mod Podge brand. This should be done in parts: apply a picture and press down slightly with a roller. During these actions, it is necessary to remove excess glue with a damp cloth. After we have worked diligently with each image, we leave our collage for a while, long enough for the glue to dry, and the pictures are firmly fixed.

After that, on the tabletop previously coated with glue, we apply our colorful panel made of wrapping paper and roll it thoroughly. For additional fixation, the surface can be varnished. Let it dry again and then you can use the avant-garde LACK miracle.

Ready remakeOpen secret: the only thing you have learned to work in engineering decoupage! This is another French word in our alteration.

Decoupage (From the French. Decouper, which means "to cut") is a technique of decoration of various items, which is based on the accession of the ornament, drawing or painting and coating composition further varnish in order to effectively, durability and safety.

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