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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Home Workshop from the wardrobe PS 2014

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Creative WorkshopMost recently, we placed mess that helps lovely needle women to keep in order multiple skeins of thread for sewing machine. Today the same issue is devoted to men whose hands all the time are drawn to creativity, to ensure that improve living conditions for themselves and their families at the expense of manufacturing any interior parts and household items. They gather the materials at hand, certainly not less, and therefore offer our variant of the organization of working tools.

Everything is simple and does not require you to some titanic creative or physical effort. Is it that you have to buy a certain set of products from the IKEA catalog. And So, creative workshopLet's call it so, basically has a wardrobe PS 2014. He is a metal trellis frame with 2-mja shelves. This design allows you to use the space provided for the benefit and maximum efficiency even for the future.

Creative Workshop Photo

Indeed, over time creative workshop updated with new tools, and with such a device in the wardrobe it easy to be able to accommodate all the new "arrivals".

Here is a list of what is useful for the assembly workshop:

  •          Wire Basket clasp;
  •          magnetic strips and S-hooks GRUNDTAL;
  •          magazine rack wall KVISSLE;
  •          dryer cutlery ORDNING;
  •          bath mat TOFTBU;
  •          roller blind TUPPLYUR;
  •          RISSLA lining on the table.

Placing all of these components, you can see on the photo. If desired ikeevskom directory easily find another couple of simple gizmos that complement your work area.

Home Workshop

Agree that such creative workshop at home a godsend for those who are always something to Master and to require a small but space to fulfill their dreams and ideas.

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