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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

FINTORP for needlewomen

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Storage of threadToday, almost in our debut alteration: we are ready to share with you how out of the ordinary wire basket with the handle of a series of products FINTORP you can build an organizer for spools of sewing thread. Sewing world is very diverse, it consists of "thousands of little things" that should always be at hand: sewing threads, Sewing needles, scissors and accessories to the sewing machine and more. Moreover, the main problem is not the point, and to arrange it all and not to create clutter on your desktop appearance.

Thus, we would like to get rid needlewomen from one of the issues with the ordering and storage of the main sewing accessories - Spools of thread. Typically, each of the seamstresses have a set of threads of different colors for all occasions. Let's try to create a homemade organizer for sewing thread together.

Starting materials:

- Wire basket with handle FINTORP;

Shopping FINTORP

- Spools of thread;

Bobbins of thread

- Special metal shears.

Shears for cutting metal

Measure out 8 cm from the base rods basket FINTORP and cut them with scissors Metal:

Measure out the length of the rods

It turns out a lot of reasons, which we will put on our reels of thread:

cutting rods

It remains the case for small:

Storage of thread

Now, a thread will be stored neatly, will be available for use. A little trick: the most necessary, popular and frequently used thread colors offer a place in the top tier organizer. For example, white yarn and black.

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