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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

IKEA TROFAST - excellent storage system, or children's store?

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Children's storeAll small children - povtoryashki. They look at their parents, educators and copy everything: behavior, intonation, gestures. Children are projecting all that they see. They especially like to represent themselves and adults to do a variety of "adult things", such as walking on shopping, To be a doctor or a teacher.

In today's alteration, we show how simple things can make a real game store for your child.

We need:

  2. Plywood boards
  3. Краска
  4. Containers for storage IKEA TROFAST, 3 piece.
  5. Drawers IKEA KNAGGLIG, 3 piece.

Take TRUFAS frame - it will be a showcase of the store.


Cut the plywood three small shelves and insert them in special grooves available TROFAST frame. These small shelves, we need as a support for the boxes.

Cut out of plywood board on the entire length of the frame. Paint it black. We chose black paint, as the inscription on it more visible.

Fasten the board painted on the outside of windows.

Preparation for the counter

Insert containers TROFAST storage, put them in all the necessary items for the small retailer.

Fill Boxes KNAGGLIG toy products and put them in the window.

Ready remake

The final touch: put a cash register on top of the frame TROFAST and shop for kids ready.

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