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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

How to take a child? Easy-will help IKEA!

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Children's table TROFASTEvery parent, without exception, want the child to be doing something, and while still receiving benefits for themselves. Developers techniques early learning much emphasis on studies on the development of fine motor skills, from which depend in turn on speech and mental processes. Could not be better suited for these actions water, sand, and various small items. But despite the fact that these objects and means very useful, they can deliver many inconveniences parents in terms of cleaning and issues location.

Child will be much more convenient if it will have a corner where he can pour water, pour sand or cereals, move items from one container to another. You can practice with him and teach him to sort the items on any of the grounds, putting them in different containers. The kid would be happy to learn and "feel" this world. He only need to provide freedom of action. To do this you will need:

jigsaw or a saw.

Assembling TROFAST

frame good because it is made of wood, covered with a thin layer of acrylic lacquer that prevents negative forcing. Along the edges, the size of the selected containers, using a jigsaw or a hole saw cut 2. Make them exactly such that the capacity to securely hold them and failed. These containers can be purchased cover a series of TROFAST. The child will be happy to learn to open, close and get their first experience of restoring order.

Accustom to order with TROFAST

Between two trays is formed of sufficient size work surface that a child could use as a springboard for the realization of his dreams: to draw sand sculpt figures and much more.

Create with TROFAST

If desired, frame You can recolor it, put images of fairy tale characters to engage the child was still fun. Since the frame originally varnished already, before coating paint is recommended sanding the surface for better grip.

There are grooves on the frame. They can be used to install Shelves, containersWhich will serve as storage of toys, items that are needed for a child games.

TROFAST in action

As a result, a few simple manipulations obtained tableCombined with the storage system. To the child - It's a private space and a place where he will play and develop, but for you - a few tens of minutes to spare, which can be devoted to any business.

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