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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Coffee idyll in the style BESTÅ

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Remaking the coffee tableCoffee and coffee table in the hall, the living room - it is, in our view, mandatory interior element. In addition, it is very convenient in everyday use. That he was also the decoration of the room, as well as his movement required as little effort, create a combination of several pieces of furniture. rework procedure is quite simple and will not take much time.

To build such a "designer", we need to buy:

To fix the structure, need 8 pieces. 16 and long pieces. short screws for assembly and mounting LINNMON countertops and four shelf support for shelves of BESTÅ series products.

The original version of the table

Also, you will need to drill a small wood, a screwdriver and a vacuum cleaner. The assembly should start with BESTÅ shelving, setting them on top LINNMON countertops. Before definitively to fix our "designer", make sure that everything is set up correctly, with the same indentation.

bottom view

fix a shelf support

And now more difficult stage begins, we need to drill four holes Shelf in the frontal part of the structure. Shelf support will be placed on the inner side surface of the racks. Do not hurry, do everything consistently and accurately. In advance make all measurements.

Now, when everything is ready, it remains to connect the individual parts into a coherent design. Between the two racks BESTÅ on shelf supports, put the door BESTÅ Toft. At least fix the wheels of the series on the countertop Riehl LINNMON. The glossy surface is shelving a protective filmWhich can be removed upon completion of rework. 

Putting design

Wheels Riehl

Ready remake

Thus, we have a beautiful, easy to operate, movable table for the living room, A combination that decorates the room, not just the function of stands under the coffee cups.

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