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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Room Studio TROFAST

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Room Studio TROFASTWhat do we do when we want something new and extraordinary? Someone starts with themselves and radically changes their style and appearance, while someone costs "less blood" and it is enough for him to modernize the environment. Moreover, with IKEA the flight of imagination is limitless and even in the most primitive things, as it might seem at first glance, huge potential is hidden. We present to you the heroes of our current rework - containers for storing toys and other accessories TROFAST.

Option processing facilities using containers is more appropriate for the office, rather than for the dwelling. However, if you want you can beat and the second option to decorate a room, for example, a spaceship with the addition of thematic accents give the interior a larger animation. In any case, in the end you will have embodied in the life of a creative solution that is truly worthy of famous designers.

To carry out alterations reserved by the necessary number of containers TROFAST. It depends on what you want to see the result and how much space they decide to close. Much more effective would look if you use boxes various configurations. A draft of this alteration is interesting in that it is possible to personalize it to the needs of the individual and even family secure containers TROFAST can be ceiling, wall or floor coverings.

The process of remaking TROFAST

To work with them need a jigsaw. It is best for our needs to use an electric version of the tool, as it will greatly simplify the handling of containers. The fact that part of the harvested boxes we cut the bottom and in the future they will serve as a miniracksWhich is filled with books, magazines, current documentation and other items.


First, we will need to prepare the containers for fixing them to the surface. Using an electric saw or jigsaw, cut off the bottom of the toy boxes. We carefully protect all irregularities with sandpaper, and then use screws and dowels to fasten the containers to the walls and ceiling. If desired, you can preliminarily carry out at the place of connection of the boxes LED lighting consisting of different colors, which will give great expressiveness to all this design.

Visualization alteration TROFASTAdditional or alternative embodiment of this design is table of containers TROFAST. Containers here can be mounted on a wooden platform, on top of their cover glass top. In this way containers can serve as drawers, and their top row - a kind and original table-showcase.


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