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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Freestyle - loft bed with a secret room

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Bed FreestyleToday's remake is dedicated to children. Recently we have offered to implement the idea of ​​turning an ordinary bed in a real castle for the little princess. She can be read here... Now it's the boys' turn!

And we have something to surprise the little fidgets and adventurers and of the materials we need for this:

In the first place according to the instructions collect Freestyle bed. Then, from the location of the ladder step set TROFAST together with containers to store toys. This design allows you to build a small hill. Ascend the hill can be on a small platform, which is connected to the bed. And here is built a small structure for the game of balls that are collected into a special chute.

Game Balls

Once lowered to the last second 6-ball trough bends and balls roll into the bucket, the rope fixed to the platform. It goes up and the game starts again.

Bucket boules

Now came the turn of the secret room. It is located directly under the berth. Part of the space is sewn panels, the remainder of the closed section of the Best. And like in the movies, you can get into it knowing a certain place on the shelf, where it is necessary to push to the cherished door opened.

Secret door

Bed Freestyle with a secret

the required lighting is installed in a secret room. Games loft bed for children ready.

Lighting secret room

Crib Freestyle

In this design, very succinctly combines bed with entertainment elements that will appeal to any child.

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