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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

LAKKovaya "highlight" in the living room

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LACK coffee table for living roomRemodel, build and upgrade home furniture - it is useful, beneficial and pleasant. And with goods from IKEA, it is still available and easily. Improve IKEA has become a favorite pastime for many. And a growing number of our articles vivid example.

Today, once again turned our gaze to the popular LACK table. Recently, he has evolved from a conventional pridivannogo table at night a convenient table for the bedroom. Today LAK - element of the decor in the living room. New unusual table in your living room become a mystery for your guests, as well as diversify the atmosphere in the house of his eccentricity.

Now it's time to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of this extraordinary creation. But it is between us! We will not torment you, just show you what it is about. Here it is, eight legged "LAKKovy table!"

Initially, it may seem that here used three tables LAKTwo black and one white, with white feet from tightened on the back of the black table, countertop and glued on top of the table. However, not all so simple. Although this option is probably also possible. For this idea you will need white table LAKCountertop black or solid wood, which is also possible to pick up in the store IKEA, cut to size and repainted black. The ideal solution of choice for countertops is remaking our table TORNLIDEN sizes 150 * 60 * 75 see, but you can make to your personality alteration notes by selecting one of the many tops from IKEA. Ash veneer and solid beech, which make up our table, could not be better underlined its production goal - to create a cozy and unique atmosphere that can be achieved by using wood. It is necessary to point out one important detail: worktop should be wider and longer than the standard countertop LACK table. And the final touch to our rework: Need feet from the old LACK you prune to see 2 and attach to the countertop. The foundation is ready. Next step: you must collect the white table. Then using the jigsaw, cut the hole is proportional to (corresponding to the original parties to the table LAK) prepared in the countertop on either side. Trim the edges of the hole with sandpaper. Paste the assembled white table and fix it. White countertop will rise above half black, which is a specific idea of ​​the project.

Obtain a stylish and trendy table in the living room. Without a doubt, this creation will delight you with its originality and surprise your guests with its simplicity and your skill.


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