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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Mobile Desktop RV

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Desk on Wheels PhotoWhat we have been guided when choosing this mess? We wanted a solution that would allow to sit, work and travel with deskIf you need it. Also needed space for storage boxes, perhaps some tools, stationery and cables from the laptop.

As a result, it was decided to build a mobile desktop two Tables or supports modules for storage of a series of Ulrike. To do this, turn them over, pre-connected to each other, and attach the wheels at the corners. Join tables / support with special plates with holes, which can be easily found in any hardware store. A similar, but smaller plate and attach the top of the tables, so they will be fastened securely enough. The upper plate may be painted white in order to make it less noticeable and the overall design had an aesthetic appearance.

The lower plate

The upper plate

Then, a hole was drilled under legs Capito. Advise to buy additional screws, as the ones that come with Capito, too small for the table surface Ulrika. And one of our main goals - reliability of the design. When the legs are attached, put the top countertop LINNMON and make a pencil mark, which will be done by the holes for mounting the tabletop.


After the holes are ready, gently tighten LINNMON. Better to do it in this order: + LINNMON Capito, and then fix it to the upper part of the tables Ulrike.

Roll your desktop

Desk Photo

Make sure that your desk on wheels stable and reliable. Optionally, you can provide special wheels brakes, it will add convenience. All of them! Can enjoy new functional piece of furniture!

  • +1


    05.11.2014 19:01 | #
    Reply | Reply with quote | quote
    Cool, have very lovers of constant permutation. This reliable and robust creative table will attract the attention of your friends. I think your children, too, will appreciate the convenience.
  • +2


    13.11.2014 02:52 | #
    Reply | Reply with quote | quote
    Good idea just in case you need to move the table constantly. I have such a need arises frequently because the furniture for a long time on the site does not stagnate. Thank you for a fresh idea)

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