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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Fashion geometry

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Fashion geometryGeometric pattern It has always been part of the national costume and it is not surprising that the geometry gradually filled all parts of life. Due to geometric prints thing you can change beyond recognition. It includes geometry and circles and diamonds, and squares, and cell and strip. There are even entire ensemble of prints, where they are combined according to certain rules. For Example, geometric print It can be combined with animal prints and monophonic accessories. Remember that the vertical bar is capable of extending the items, and the horizontal - to expand. 

For today's lesson Geometry we take:

- Wall shelves LAK;

- Cabinet with drawers HELMER;

- Stands for magazines PLUGGIS;

- Frames Ribby.

This alteration is suitable for those who need a small home office with space for storage. And, you guessed it, we decorate our workplace geometric patterns. Be prepared for the fact that the modifications would not be too easy. In the two tables with drawers from the collection HELMER Place a wooden countertop. It can be an eye in the IKEA catalog or use unnecessary remnants of material, if you are, of course, have used to keep their homes.

Table top with geometry

For painting countertops immediately inflict a pencil drawing, then gently brush prorisuem. Use polyurethane furniture varnishes, lacquers for bar counters, because they are resistant to scratching. We will offer you another idea of ​​creating a geometric pattern: using colored film, which has a layer of adhesive on one side.

Home Office photo

Then arrange on the table stand for magazines a series of products PLUGGIS. Another storage space "necessity" will be located on the shelf LACK. Wall paintings decorate the table above under the Ribby

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