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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

One cabinet is good, two is better

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RAST ChestTo connect the style and practicality, it is necessary not so much. Shred ingenuity expressed in the implementation of a good idea, skillful hands, available materials and IKEA furniture.

In today's remake we'll show you how to make table with two tables. To do this, from materials and components we need:

  •          2 set of drawers RAST chest;
  •          wooden board;
  •          Furniture moldings;
  •          segments boards for finishing the side and bottom of the cabinets;
  •          white glossy paint, stains;
  •          drill, bolts, screws;
  •          brush, carpenter's glue.

Instead of drawers can use any of the thumbnails ikeevskogo directory. This leave to your discretion. Only it is necessary to bear in mind that the process in the second case, modifications will be slightly different from the one proposed by us.

Table with two drawers

Table length will depend on the size of the board, which will serve as countertops... It should be such that it allows you to cover both sets of drawers or bedside tables and, in addition, to form a workplace between them.

Table of RAST

Before you start putting our table, facades Drawer cover glossy white paint and fasten the handle. Countertop segments boards sidewalls and bottom of the cabinets can be painted in a contrasting color or brown stain to cover normal.

Worktop RAST

Attach with screws to the already treated sidewalls guides for drawers. Thus collect 2 tables. They fasten the legs, and then close their desktop.


Between tables and countertops can be formed gap. Eliminate it easily. For this we need Furniture molding. He hides this nasty error made you a table with two tables.

  • +1


    04.11.2014 08:43 | #
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    Very beautiful and stylish thing, and even to the same so many boxes, which can be folded all the necessary papers and valuable little things. Cool use of cabinets.
  • +1


    06.11.2014 14:17 | #
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    Cabinets is never enough. One is good, two is better. In addition, they are very well fit into any decor, and all your belongings with ease vmestyatsya them.
  • +1


    13.11.2014 02:04 | #
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    I liked that so you can organize home workplace, simply replacing a primitive design desk. And most importantly, what you get are all very stylish and comfortable.

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