Regardless of whether you are Catholic or Orthodox, Easter - A special day that revere and those and others. The division into two religious camps predetermined their traditions and customs for celebrating the day. If the Orthodox main characters - cake and egg, then Catholics played a leading role Easter bunny or rabbit. In some of his person, only on this day can not be found: chocolate, caramel, marmalade. On the shelves, window sills, tables and side tables now and then there Souvenir hares of different materials that take part in the celebration.
At Easter accepted to go to each other's homes. And we will not let you empty-handed. Use the simple idea of a souvenir bunny, which is a great gift on this bright day for your family or good friends. Figure of hare or rabbit, we will strengthen to Bank Bourke transparent glass with an aluminum lid.
Cleft sculpture can be any color completely. In order to fix it to the cover, the cover must be removed from the handle banks. This is easily done with the help of pliers.
After the handle is removed, the lid divided into 2 components: aluminum top and HDA, which was attached to the handle. It can be put back into place by simply inserting back.
Now glue the base coat with figures cover and attach a hare or rabbit.
After the glue has dried up and figurine tightly fixed, proceed to the next step. From an aerosol can, choose which color to your taste, cover and cover hare paint.
For this to work needlework looked even better and retained its attractive appearance for a long time, varnished.
Turned out pretty cute souvenirWhich still serve a small pantry for sweets.