IKEA furniture may be applied to a standard layout, as well as showing the share of wit, and to the premises, which have a small area, a kind of configuration. Our today's article will be dedicated to remaking the cabinet under the mansard roof. You make sure that even the void under the escarpment can be converted into a small cupboard and thus give the room more functionality.
It is necessary to warn that the process very time-consuming rework, but as a result of this work you will be richly rewarded for their efforts. First of all, with the help of a ruler and a saw to be adapted PAX frames the dimensions of the attic slope. Facades for convenience while you can remove, the more that this part of the wardrobe to be a separate hard work.
Placing the facades in a horizontal position, sizing them 5-mm foam... It takes some time for the glue to dry well and only after that we start finishing with eco-leather. This new generation material is very close to natural leather in its properties. High wear resistance, excellent tactile properties, hypoallergenicity, a huge range of colors - these are some of the main qualities, thanks to which this material is in great demand in the furniture industry. This was a small digression, but now let's get back to our facades.
Much attention should be paid to sizing angles. If necessary, use a stapler to secure better. Staples in further work would extract and place puncture zashpaklyuyutsya and paint. After proceed to decor facades. For a better visual perception layout decorative tape masking tape will help that will not damage the material. Then a pencil with light pressure draws the line on which we will strengthen the tape.
With direct mounting tape on the facade, it is necessary to move from the center to the edges, so the tension will remain eco-leather. We also strongly recommend to make the fitting of all intersections, junctions and corners for a more accurate calculation step. These manipulations perform with the three remaining doors. Optionally, you can select suitable handles IKEA Catalogue.
If you own a house, and it so happened that it has a roof terrace, take in hand tools and profitably fill the empty space. And our idea of remaking this will help you.
Source: http://moyaikea.livejournal.com/