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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

"Social" KLUBBO table

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KLUBBO table with the decor of mosaicMosaic known since time immemorial. Even in ancient times it was widely used to decorate the walls. Attractive appearance and superior performance made mosaic one of the most popular and most popular types of finishes. With a few dozen chips - so called holistic individual pieces of mosaic pictures - you can give new life poistaskavshimsya pieces of furniture, bringing the interior of notes of individuality and identity.

Over a long period of time, even the most hard-wearing and durable material is subjected to aging, environmental influences, it may scratch the eye and other unpleasant nuances that spoil the appearance of a piece of furniture. The hero of our today's rework - coffee table KLUBBO with black and brown wooden top that with the help of mosaic decoration gets an updated look. For translating ideas into practice will need quite a bit:

  • mosaic (Glass, ceramic, or any other, which will be at your disposal);
  • liquid glue or nails;
  • wire cutters for splitting pieces of the puzzle;
  • grout is white;
  • rubber spatula, a pencil.

To start the process, you must carry out preparatory work, which is to apply the pattern on which we lay out the mosaic. Here you will come to the aid of all your imagination and desire to create something extraordinary. Once the outline drawing is ready, you can proceed to the selection of colors for the mosaic pieces. After all these manipulations can begin gluing chips.

Coffee table KLUBBU

At the beginning of the work we give a small recommendation: Start with frame mosaic panelAnd then selecting for themselves the basic line drawing, gradually fill the remaining space around it. Some of the figure will require uneven shapes and pieces here come to the aid of pliers. Once all the pieces took their places, you need to figure allow to dry.

Palette for mosaic table

KLUBBO table with decor

The next step, diluted as recommended on the package grout with a rubber spatula fill all joints formed. Grout starts to dry out quickly, and the remaining white marks on a mosaic easily cleaned with a damp cloth. If somewhere formed small stains, then wipe with a dry cloth countertop.

Grout Mosaic

The following day, an updated KLUBBO ready for operation. This table will be a wonderful decoration of your living room.

KLUBBO table with the decor of mosaic

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