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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Rustic or European version of the American Country

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Table rusticStyle "bossage"It speaks for itself, it is usually associated with the rural, rural style of the interior.The peculiarity of this style is the active use of materials of natural origin in rough processing or in raw form, which emphasizes their simplicity, environmental friendliness and even rustic brutality, so to speak. Your doubts that the rustic style can only be used in a country house.Not at all! When combining uncouthness (rough wooden furniture) and elegance (for example, decorative elements in Le "shebbi chic") it is possible to emphasize the uniqueness of the European version of the "rustic" style, using it in a city apartment.

It is easy to see that the tree is the key element of this style. Such drawbacks as cracks, scratches and other rustic damages are only an advantage. As for the variety of material, the oak, pine, cherry, and beech are equally used in making. Today, just and we will try to create a piece of interior in the style of "rustic" - a dining table on a firm foot from IKEA. Immediately make a reservation that our today's conversion involves the use of options. What does it mean? Everything is very simple! This suggests that you can choose which legs to use for making the table, here IKEA thought it over for you and in advance. So, we have the following options:

- Support for the table with shelf VIKA ARTUR, White;
- Support for the table with shelf VIKA ARTUR, beech;
- Support for the table VIKA LILLEBI, array of albition.


But we will make the tabletop with his hands. To cover the use of color impregnation walnut, but you may well choose of color to your taste. Still, we need connecting elements, they can be purchased at any hardware store. The main thing is to make it look rough, complementing our idea and rustic style.

Let's go back to the working process: we need to countertop boards that we sawed down to size. Connect them and fasten the mount to poles on both sides.

Boards for countertops

Grind future countertop

Mount for poles

Then treat the surface with a pnevmoshlifmashinka with a grain size of up to 60 200. After the treatment, wipe the dust with a damp cloth.

Apply the wax

Finish processing before painting - drawing special paste wax for furniture, which, incidentally, can be made in the home. Waxing wood furniture is very common in the decoration. This is a step that will protect our countertop on the presence of pores in the wood, and it is extremely important for the upcoming spraying. 

Lacquering countertops

Attach support

Putting a table and give it a final look before painting. Last stage - drawing varnish or impregnationWho choose not only to your taste, but also focus on the existing interior.
Head over heels
Ready rustic table
Here's a table and can get you, and maybe - even better! Be creative and implement!
Table rustic

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