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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Stool Frost = "storey" bedside table

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Bedside table FrostEquip every corner of the apartment, to replace old furniture new situation surprisingly can be a very affordable, easy and enjoyable event. The main thing to want! And if you wanted to bring beauty to your bedroom, then this transformation for you.

A new element of the decor - "Storey" bedside table. It is made from the popular stool FrostWhose history is mentioned in one of the previous "rework". In it, we looked at several options for interior decoration with this chair: coffee table, coffee table, a clothes hanger, a shelf for books, pridivanny table. And also equipped street benches small comfortable tables. Frost stool - versatile and useful thing. We complete our collection of another experiment.

Let's start with the mess that we need two stool Frost From IKEA (decide to make two such tables on both sides of the bed, take just four stools). Note that its height is 45 cm, the diameter of the seat is 35 cm. Made of birch plywood. Consequently, the first chair is not touched, it is already ready, just collect it. But the second, after the assembly, a little primesem legs (at 20 cm). Perhaps you guessed what will happen next with our stools. True-true, under the first chair, we put the second, which is slightly shortened legs. And the diameter of the seat will help us with the base for the table top made of glass (or from wood, but the tone is darker than stools). Such a countertop you can make to order, but remember that its diameter should be greater than the diameter of the seat. On the mini-table, you can also put a table top made of wood darker for contrast, height equal to the height of the chair seat (or can be made of glass). Stool Frost originally varnished, so that this stage of transformation omitted.

The time has come to show the result of our amazingly easy alteration. The result was a fairly simple and lovely two-storey bedside table.

Bedside table Frost

On the lower level you can put magazines, books and more. Top night light, hand cream, antique alarm clock in the style of 60-x-80-x (IKEA, for example, Service DEKAD).

We hope that all the options presented alterations involving stool from IKEA Frost will send you to taste, and there is one with which you decorate your house!

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