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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Tandem changing table and chopping boards

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Changing table is transformed into a kitchenKitchen - soul of the house, its heart, the place where there is the spirit of family togetherness. And that's kind to the hostess "working platform", On which there are culinary transformation for all those who inhabit the house, or just come to visit. In the kitchen, every detail is important, but most importantly, perhaps, ease of cooking. Our today's remake of choice for those who want maximum comfort to organize kitchen space to purchase a full kitchen set. Subsequently, "peredelochny" character can continue his happy existence in the country, in the garage or any other suitable place for him.

This is a fairly large and functional table. He created him helped tandem changing table and chopping boards. The manufacturing process is quite simple and requires no special skills.

For the basics, we need 2 Changing tables SNIGLAR and 3 cutting board LEMPLIG. Changing table is good in that it has the right height so that it was possible to make all the necessary steps in the cooking process. With the mounting need to fix the tables together. Then, using the screwdriver, and loops in the number 6-minute pieces (at 2 for each board), attach cutting boards LEMPLIG to the tables. In sum, the length of the boards is a few centimeters less than the total length of the changing tables. Thus, there is a gap for attaching various modules for storage, which also can find a IKEA catalog.

Lifting table top

Table top with a secret

Table turns out very convenient to use as a countertops. Wooden planks surface strong enough, and on it there is a recess in which is going to juice, which is formed by cutting certain foods. Bunk design table opens up more space for storage of various kitchen utensils. Under rising boards fixed on the loop, formed a kind of box in which, for example, can be stored frequently used items in the kitchen. The only disadvantage of the changing table is that when moisture on the white base tier, it left stains and the probability of occurrence of roughness, unevenness.

Desk in the kitchen

For the rest, it is a comfortable and functional item kitchenAnd not only furniture. We hope that the remake will inspire you to new creative achievements!

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