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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Luck for "BOARDistov"

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Storage of sports equipmentNew Year, new plans, new ideas and achievements! Our team wishes all readers and lovers of resource products IKEA. We sincerely hope that this year we will be more! We begin the publication of a new year 2015 quite amusing alterations for enthusiastic sports people. Sport, as you know - the guarantee of health, so this year we will try to give more time to rework dedicated to this area. Subjects rework storage sports accessoriesNamely surfboards, skate or snowboard.

We show how this can be done as an example of a surfboard. Alteration is so primitive that even a teenager can take this idea and bring order to the sports equipment.


We need a series of hooks BESTIS. They are made of soft rubber (synthetic rubber) and have no sharp corners. First sketch, which will be located hooks-fixing. To do this, make pencil marks on the wall and then cut a hole for the upper hooks and attach surfboard to a wall. Let's make sure that the lower hooks are positioned in such a way that the board was secured, but at the same time, we could effortlessly get and fix it on the hook. 

Storage of sports accessories

In the process of remaking guided by the photos, which will help to avoid possible errors. We hope that this alteration will benefit athletes and fans thrills. 

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