In a comfortable and cozy accommodation everything should be left to chance, every thing must have its place, every corner of the apartment should be given to the functionality, only in this case, restoring order in the house will not cause unnecessary hassle. The idea, which we will discuss in this alteration, can be very useful approach for hall... Such a fancy shelf will fill the gap between doorways well. Let this part of the house be useful too! You, in turn, will receive an ideal solution for storing correspondence, various gadgets and chargers, as well as for keys, gloves and other items that tend to disappear somewhere, especially before going out.
To create a comfortable roomy shelves need:
Step 1:
Start processing shelves! If you do it yourself, out of the ordinary piece of wood, then first you need to measure the area that you plan to fix it, do not forget that under the shelf should be well placed 2 3 or stand for magazines. Once the dimensions of the future will be determined by all of the shelves, resulting carefully abrade the workpiece.
Step 2:
Now we need to give our shelf, and along with a coffee stand beautiful aesthetic appearance. Paint them in whichever color, But if you want to keep the texture of wood, then why not have recourse to BEHANDLA - stains from IKEA. It includes linseed oil, wood, and dye - it will not only give your shelf beautiful perfect appearance, but also make it more resistant to wear and durable.
Step 3:
Divide the shelf into three equal parts and is attached to the marked locations brackets. Then use the level vymeryat and make a mark for the screws on the wall, hang the shelf. The final stage of this alteration will mount KNUFF - Journal nailed to the wall with a shelf.
Now our shelf hallway ready! You do not have to leave home for a long time to look for clues, as well as store and numeracy on the coffee table, for all this, there is a designated area that we are just organized.
If in the area there is also a shelf and socket, then you can take this corner in the hallway ideal place to recharge the phone.