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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

"Nook" for secret affairs

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IKEA catsWe continue our heading alterations IKEA for animals. Today we will present to your attention options for a litter box for cats. If you love animals, then you simply have to create comfortable conditions for them in the house. Thus, the owners will also feel comfortable, and the house will be clean, tidy and hygienic. Unfortunately, not all cat litter boxes are aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, we came up with the idea to share a creative idea with you and create something new in this vein.

Especially for you we have selected the most interesting options, however, the most plain and functional. 

First Embodiment "cache" for tray was made using a combination of a series of storage goods BESTÅ with two compartments. In one located tray filled, and in the second, you can store a variety of accessories for grooming and cleaning. Cupboard element will interior, especially if you decorate it with the pads, for example, a series of products STOCKHOLM.

Toilet for cats BESTA

Toilet for cats

Next option - again, help us BESTÅBut in a more large-scale and dimensions. Accordingly, this option is suitable for a large room. An ideal place for this alteration - in a private house under the stairs.

Toilet for catsOption number three - and with the use of a box BESTÅBut less bulky than the previous two. Here we see a minimum of cost and labor. This box with a makeshift door can be placed even in the bathroom, use it as a stand for laundry baskets or other accessories.

Modern tray for cats

Tray for cats

Despite the fact that BESTÅ perfect for our adaptation, we have a couple of options. One using cabinet of the series FAKTUM. Add the push mechanism and voila - convenience for the owners and the comfort of the "tails" in one bottle. 

Toilet for cats FAKTUM


And now - a radically different options, using COLD series products. First - table-chest COLD. The first version will have a sliding roof. 

Cat toilet

Toilet HALL

This "open" option, which has its pros and cons. Plus we call good ventilation, with the very net will be recurring issues with odor control. While, however, in the presence of commercially available toilets, houses and high-quality flavored fillings, the question will be easy to solve. On top of the box you can put pots with flowers and disguise a secret cat's corner.

Box toilet

Toilet for cats

For this alteration is used pridivanny table HALL. It remains only to cut him IO place for cats.

Note that all products used in the above alterations are very easy to clean. If necessary, they can be wiped with a damp cloth and wiped dry. It is good if you listen to the manufacturer and pre-treat the cat furniture with varnish, wax or oil. This will allow her to last you longer.

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